
Observation of language input quality in foreign language lessons – Language Input Observation Scheme (LIOS)

Culture and languages

Guest lecture by Marjan Asgari, Free University Bozen-Bolzano, Italy. All interested are welcome to this seminar arranged by the research area Language learning and language teaching.

4 Jun 2024
13:15 - 14:30
J415, Humanisten, Renströmsgatan 6

Good to know
Seminar language: English
Department of Languages and Literatures, reasearch area Language learning and language teaching


The linguistic input quality of teachers in foreign language (FL) lessons is a crucial basis for the successful foreign language acquisition of learners (Kersten 2018). To ensure well-founded reflection on language input a research project (LangApp, 2020–2022) at the Faculty of Education of the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano developed the Language Input Observation Scheme. The observation sheet is suitable for peer observation in kindergarten (LIOS I, Asgari & Zanin 2022), at school (LIOS II, Asgari & Zanin 2023) and in FL courses for refugees (LIOS III, Asgari, Lechner & Zanin 2024).

The Teacher Input Observation Scheme (TIOS, Kersten et. al 2018) provided the scientific basis. Based on the procedures and methods of peer observation (Buhren 2012), we shortened and adapted the 38 observation categories of the TIOS. As accompanying material, we additionally drafted a reference framework that assigns verbal descriptors to the numerical assessment of the LIOS. Teachers can thus check their language awareness during peer observation and gradually improve their GFL lessons.

During the workshop, the LIOS I–III observation forms and some results of the various research projects will be presented. In addition, the categories for assessing the quality of language input in foreign language lessons will be explained. The participants will try out the observation sheet themselves and use LIOS I to analyze a video sequence (EFL activity in an Italian-speaking kindergarten). They can then compare their own evaluations with the evaluations of students and researchers at the University of Bolzano and give feedback on the topic of peer observation in FL lessons.


Asgari, M. & Zanin, R. (2022). Kollegiale Hospitation im frühen Deutsch-als-Fremdsprachunterricht. Referenzrahmen und Beobachtungsbogen Language Input Observation Scheme zur Erhebung der L2-Inputqualität. In: Germanistische Mitteilungen.

Asgari, M. & Zanin, R. (2023). Qualität des sprachlichen Inputs im DaZ-DaF-Unterricht. Ein Fallbeispiel aus Südtirol. In A. Hornung & R. Zanin (eds.), Abenteuer Sprache und Sprachen. Hans Drumbl zum 80. Geburtstag. Tübingen: Stauffenburg Verlag, Reihe Festschriften.

Asgari, M., Lechner, C. & Zanin, R. (2024, conference). Aktionsforschung zum Lehren und Lernen von Sprachen in plurilingualen Settings. Carn DACH Konferenz, Bielefeld, 10.02.2024.

Buhren, C. G. (2012). Kollegiale Hospitation: Verfahren, Methoden und Beispiele aus der Praxis. Köln.

Kersten, K. (2018). Einflussfaktoren im bilingualen Fremdsprachenerwerb. In: Rohde, A.; Steinlen, A. K. (eds.): Sprachenvielfalt als Ressource begreifen. Mehrsprachigkeit in bilingualen Kindertagesstätten und Schulen, Band I. Berlin, 35–70.

Kersten, K.; Bruhn, A-C.; Ponto, K., Böhnke, J.; Greve, W. (2018). Teacher Input Observation Scheme (TIOS). Studies on Multilingualism in Language Education 4, Universität Hildesheim.