Lärarstudent använder simuleringsverktyg som avbildar ett klassrum.

SimPro Workshop

Science and Information Technology
Education and learning

The first SimPro Workshop is held in Linköping, Sweden December 3, 12.00 to December 4, 16.00.

3 Dec 2024 - 4 Dec 2024
Linköping university, Linköping, Sweden

The workshop will focus mainly on the Linköping SimPro member’s work with the simulation system TeachLive (used in teacher education, principal training, and in the Psychology program) as well as their research on simulation. We will also be given a tour of Center for Disaster Medicine and Traumatology in Linköping. A detailed agenda will be available at a later stage.

The workshop is open also for participants outside the SimPro network. Expenses for travel and accommodation will only be covered for network members. Sign up for the workshop no later than September 30 following this link:

Pictures from the workshop

Presentation under workshop
Presentation under workshop
Presentation under workshop
Docka för livräddning
Forskare minglar

On the agenda

December 3
Om TeachLivE, historia och framtid, Lisa Dieker, University of Kansas
Välkomna till Linköpings universitet
Ur simuleringsspecialisters perspektiv Marie-Louise H & Anja T
Tidig läs- och skrivinlärning, Ulrika A & Anja T
Kontroversiella frågor, Marcus S & Marie-Louise H

December 4    
Psykologprogrammet, Eva H C
Ledarskap och konflikthantering – Marcus S & Marie-Louise H
Möjligheter & begränsningar med TeachLivE och andra former av simuleringsträning i professionsutbildningar
Krismedicinskt Centrum, Marc Friberg
Nätverksarbete, Charlott Sellberg