University of Gothenburg

Gothenburg Centre of Globalization and Development

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The Gothenburg Centre for Globalization and Development seeks to integrate and develop research on globalization at the University of Gothenburg. We arrange seminars, workshops and conferences, and support research projects on globalization and development. Our ultimate goal is to produce top-quality, multidisciplinary research across the field of globalization and development.

The starting point for the Gothenburg Centre for Globalization and Development (GCGD) research agenda is that the global community has agreed to work for sustainable global development, while at the same time, the global system designed to help bring this about looks more fragile and less sustainable than it has done for a long time. It is noted in the Sustainable Development Goal (SGD) documents that each country holds the primary responsibility for its own economic and social development. However, this can be facilitated by external assistance and by the organisation of global social, economic and political systems. It is the latter dimensions that will be the focus of the GCGD research programme. Successful political actions to reduce injustices in the world and to achieve the SDGs depend on the provision of comprehensive, scientific facts and understanding of the issues involved.


In November, 2019 GCGD organized a two-day workshop to engage international scholars of diverse expertise and backgrounds in an interdisciplinary discussion about the current ‘anti-globalization’ and post-globalization’ trends in the context of populism and the impact on development. In January 2020, the School of Blogal Studies began publishing a series of posts written by workshop participants.


Gothenburg Centre of Globalization and Development organizes seminars, workshops and conferences on a regular basis. The events are listed in our calendar and are open to everyone interested in globalization and development issues.