University of Gothenburg

Seminars, workshops and conferences

On this page, you find previous events organized by the GCGD. All upcoming events are listed in our calendar on the front page.


(De)Globalization and Development in the New Age of Populisms 

November 14-15, 2019
University of Gothenburg, Sweden

In this workshop, we aim to host international scholars with diverse areas of expertise to join in an interdisciplinary discussion about current ‘anti-globalization’, ‘post-globalization’ trends in the context of populism, and its impact on development. The questions that the workshop will address include:

  • Is the current populist trend an expression of lack of confidence in globalization?
  • What are the consequences of populist governments for development policies/processes?
  • How are different states and social movements reinterpreting globalization-de/globalization trends?
  • How have the politics of identity shifted in light of these trends?
  • What are the sources of current heightened opposition to increased global transactions and interdependencies, as well as the associated global governance?
  • What strategies of ‘re-globalization’ are available, including reform and transformation of the rules and institutions that govern the global political economy?
  • How has violence been normalized in this new age of anti-globalization and right-wing politics?
  • In particular, how can inclusive democratic citizenship and sovereignty obtain due voice and influence in revitalized global cooperation both in the global south and north?

Confirmed Keynote speakers:
Dr. Dibyesh Anand, University of Westminster.
Dr. Erica Simone A. Resende, Escola Superior de Guerra, Brazil.


"Globalization and its Brazilian discontents - Pushbacks on climate and the environment in Brazil”

October 10, 2019
Venue: A319, School of Global Studies
Speaker: Dr. Mairon G. Bastos Lima, Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Space, Earth, and Environment

Rarely does a country so rapidly descend in its level of global regard as has Brazil done at this start of the 21st century. From seemingly a model of economic development combined with effective poverty reduction, social inclusion, and environmental protection, the country has swiftly turned into a global pariah under a far-right administration elected on a scathing campaign against human rights, conservation, and – to some extent – globalization. This presentation will discuss how, and to what extent, anti-globalization norms and interests have become forceful in Brazil for, while parallels are frequently drawn between Bolsonaro and Trump or even Brexit, there are also key differences to regard. It will discuss who the Brazilian discontents have been, have they have risen to power, and how the pushbacks against globalization – particularly on environmental issues – are shaping up. However much global uproar has already taken place (e.g., from this year’s Amazon fires), these unlikely custodians of the world’s greatest ecosystem are only at the start of their term.

GCGD-CGCR Conference

October 1-2, 2019

GCGD is co-hosting a two-day mini-conference with nine colleagues visiting from the Centre for Global Cooperation Research (CGCR) at the University of Duisburg-Essen.

CGCR is one of ten so-called Käte Hamburger Kollegs funded by the German Federal Government to conduct interdisciplinary research on priority issues. CGCR has many overlapping interests with us (migration, climate, peacebuilding, global governance, etc.), so both sides think we could do interesting stuff together. We will also discuss future collaborations, including a jointly organized international conference next year and research fellowships.

If interested, you are most welcome to join all or part of the discussions. We are at Conference Centre Wallenberg on Tuesday, October 1st, and in C417 (at the School of Global Studies) on Wednesday, October 2nd.

SDGs in an (anti)globalized world

A blessing or a curse for sustainable development?

September 16, 11:30-13:00, 2019

The Gothenburg Centre for Sustainable Development (GMV) and Gothenburg Centre of Globalization and Development (GCGD) invite you to a Researchers´ lunch to discuss future collaboration between researchers interested in growing nationalism, populism and anti-globalization trends around the world, and how these trends may influence the fulfillment (or not) of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). What does current research say about the relationship between globalization, antiglobalization, and sustainable development, and what more do we need to know? These are some of the questions that will be raised and discussed during this lunch.

GCGD Public Talk

"Governing weapons circulation in the 21stcentury”

May 6, 17:00- 18:00, 2019
Venue: Annedalsseminariet, room 207
School of Global Studies, University of Gothenburg

Are we on the brink of Nuclear War? Will humanitarian catastrophes like that in Yemen continue, worsen, spread? How does the sale of weapons impact the answers to these questions?

This talk gives an overview of the patterns of the contemporary international arms trade and the prospects for meaningful control. It explains who are the major buyers and sellers, how the trade operates, the rules governing it, and examines their application in the case of the world’s worst contemporary humanitarian disaster, Yemen.

Speaker: Dr. Anna Stavrianakis
Senior Lecturer in International Relations and Director of Teaching and Learning (Global Studies)
University of Sussex, UK

Brown Bag Lunch Seminar

“Chantal Mouffe might be wrong: Indonesian insights on populist-reformism”

May 23, 12:15-13:00, 2019
Venue: Room C417
School of Global Studies, University of Gothenburg

Speaker: Olle Törnquist, Professor of Politics & Development, University of Oslo