Find our contact information here
Contact information to the University of GothenburgHead of the School of Global Studies, responsible for Work Environment and Promotion
Michael Schulz
Head of Administration
Bernana Delic
Deputy Head of the School of Global Studies, responsible for Recruitment
Annelie Sjölander Lindqvist
Assistant Head of the School of Global Studies, responsible for Education
Arne Wackenhut
Head of Administration
Bernana Delic
Gitt Bohman
Communications Officer
Linda Genborg
Directors of Studies
Education Officers
Education Administrators
Finance Administrators
Finance Officer
Britt-Marie Olsson
Human Resources Officers
Human Resources Administrator
Sandra Lennerholt
International Coordinator
Maria Clara Medina
Project Coordinator
Gunilla Blomqvist Sköldberg
Research Coordinator
Henry Rawlings
Study Counsellors
The Education Administrators can help you with:
Visiting address:
Konstepidemins väg 2E (level 4)
Find contact information for your Education Administrator at the Student Portal.
Researchers, teachers and doctoral students:
Subject coordinator:
Researchers and teachers:
Subject coordinator:
Researchers, teachers and doctoral students:
Subject coordinator:
Researchers, teachers and doctoral students:
University of Gothenburg, organization identity number: 202100-3153
VAT number: SE202100315301
Invoice references must be included on the invoice and obtained from the person making the order. From April 1st 2019, by law, the supplier must send us an e-invoice.
Information about invoice and payment
Invoice address:
University of Gothenburg
School of Global Studies
Box 115
405 30 Gothenburg
If you need practical help, the service staff on campus can assist with technical support for equipment in classrooms and lecture halls, minor relocations and repairs, distribution of packages and with security issues on campus.
The janitorial office is situated in Mediehuset (Seminariegatan 1B).
+46 31-786 20 60
Phone hours
Monday to Friday from 7.50 to 16.30 (May to August: 7.50-15.50)
Use this form if you need service or want to report an error
Journalists are welcome to contact our press contact with queries:
Linda Genborg
Tel: +46 31-786 40 02 or +46 766-18 40 02
Our researcher's areas of expertise are listed on our expert page.