New Approaches and Synergies in Nordic Latin-American Studies: Applying Area Studies in a Multipolar World
Workshop #3: "Conviviality: Social and Cultural Cohesion Building”.
"Conviviality: Social and Cultural Cohesion Building” is Workshop #3 in the Nordic Series New Approaches and Synergies in Nordic Latin-American Studies: Applying Area Studies in a Multipolar World, funded by the Joint Committee for Nordic Research Councils in the Humanities and Social Sciences.
This workshop aims to discuss Latin American and Caribbean systems of knowledge and their contemporary utilisation across various disciplines to produce new understandings of societies and social phenomena, especially in the context of their potential contribution to the study of Nordic and global issues. With emphasis on radical conviviality and social cohesion-building in times of post-pandemic adaptation and increasing political incertitude, the main purpose of this workshop is to evaluate research and cooperation results among scholars and NGO’s representatives with expertise in Latin American and Caribbean epistemologies.
The workshop is funded by The Joint Committee for Nordic Research Councils in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NOS-HS), as part of the Nordic Workshop Series New Approaches and Synergies in Nordic Latin-American Studies: Applying Area Studies in a Multipolar World organized by the Universities of Copenhagen, Stockholm, Helsinki, Gothenburg and Oslo.
When and where
Dates: 25-26 January 2024
Venue: Conference Centre Wallenberg, Medicinaregatan 20 A (link to Google Maps)
Tram and bus stop: “Medicinaregatan”, link to travel planner (Västtrafik).
Join online: Link to Zoom (Meeting-ID: 616 6877 6561)
Organizers: Maria Clara Medina and Christopher Allen, School of Global Studies, University of Gothenburg.
This two-day interdisciplinary workshop will feature 15- 20 minutes presentations from NGO representatives, junior scholars, invited Nordic scholars and other network members in both online and face- to- face format. There will be a Q & A session at the end of each presentation.
DAY 1, Thursday 25 January 2024
Room: South America / Sydamerika
- Registration and welcome coffee
09.15-09.45 - Inauguration
Fika (coffee and cake)
Conference Dinner
Buenos Aires Argentine Steakhouse
Time: 19.30
Berzeliigatan 19
412 53 Gothenburg
DAY 2 - Friday 26 January 2024
Room: South America / Sydamerika
Welcome coffee
Wrap up and closure
NILAS Board Meeting (Board Members Only): 26 January, 13.15-ca 14.30