University of Gothenburg
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About Astri Lundervold

Astri is a licensed clinical specialist and professor of clinical neuropsychology. She works at an outpatient clinic at the University of Bergen, where her time is shared between clinical work, teaching and research.

Astri Lundervold
Astri Lundervold

Research interests

Astri’s research covers assessment and development of intervention programs targeting people with cognitive, emotional, and social challenges due to somatic and/or psychiatric conditions. From a focus on patients with neurological disorders, she moved on to a more general interest in cognitive aging, followed by engagement in interventions targeting frail older adults and adults with early symptoms indicating Alzheimer’s disease. Astri was a core member of the longitudinal Bergen Child Study during four waves of data collection, and is a member of a research group focusing on adults with ADHD. More recently, she has become involved in the develoment of interventions targeting emotion regulation in adults with ADHD; a project assessing emotion regulation across different neuropsychiatric disorders, and studies focusing on cognitive and emotional problems associated with the brain-gut disturbance characterizing patients with Irritable bowel syndrome

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