University of Gothenburg

About Gudrun Nygren

Gudrun Nygren is a paediatrician and child and adolescent psychiatrist. She works at the Specialist Centre for Children and Youth at Angered Hospital in Gothenburg.  She has initiated and been responsible for the development of multidisciplinary teams for assessment and interventions for preschool children with suspected autism and/or other neurodevelopmental deviations in one of Gothenburg's most multiethnic and socioeconomically disadvantaged areas.

Gudrun Nygren
Gudrun Nygren
Photo: Josefin Bergenholtz

Research interests

Gudrun defended her thesis “Screening and Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorders” in 2012. Her research continues to stem from the clinical work with young children and their families and clinical developmental projects for integrated care for children < 3 years with persisting regulatory problems, autism, and coexisting neurodevelopmental and medical conditions.


Contact information

Gudrun's thesis

"Screening and diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders"