Johan Nyrenius
About our researcher Johan Nyrenius
About Johan Nyrenius
Johan Nyrenius is a licensed clinical psychologist and holds a PhD in medical science. Johan’s clinical experience involves child and adolescent habilitation and child and adolescent psychiatry, though he has been working at the adult psychiatric clinic in Helsingborg, Sweden since 2014. Johan’s clinical experience comprise assessment/diagnostic services and working with eating disorders and substance use disorders. Johan currently holds a position as chief psychologist at the adult psychiatric clinic in Helsingborg, and works clinically with substance use disorders.

Research interests
Johan defended his PhD thesis in 2023, on the subject of adult psychiatric outpatients with autism. His research interests comprise neurodevelopmental disorders in clinical populations, as well as common features and differences between autism and severe psychiatric disorders (e.g. schizophrenia).
- Region Skåne
- The Stig and Ragna Gorthon Foundation (Stig och Ragna Gorthons Stiftelse)
- Annmari and Per Ahlqvist Foundation (Annmari och Per Ahlqvists Stiftelse)
- The Wilhelm and Martina Lundgren Foundation (Wilhelm och Martina Lundgrens Vetenskapsfond)
- The Thorsten Birger Segerfalk Foundation (Thorsten-Birger Segerfalks Stiftelse)
- The Adlerbertska Scholarship Foundation (Adlerbertska Stipendiestiftelsen)
- The Herbert and Karin Jacobsson Foundation (Herbert och Karin Jacobssons Stiftelse)
- The O-M Persson donation fund (O.M Perssons Donationsfond)
- The Per-Börje Jönsson fund (Per-Börje Jönssons Fond)
- The Swedish Schizophrenia association (Schizofrenifonden)