Katarzyna Brimo
About our researcher Katarzyna Brimo
About Katarzyna Brimo
Katarzyna Brimo is a Research Assistant at Gillberg Neuropsychiatry Centre, GU. She holds a master’s degree in psychology (University of Gothenburg) and bachelor’s in business administration (National Louis University, USA).
Katarzyna is currently involved in a project researching avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID). The project focuses on validating a new screening tool AFRID-Brief Screener, estimating prevalence, studying comorbidities of ARFID and validating effectiveness of a family-based treatment for ARFID. An additional perspective will be highlighted in a qualitative study, namely the experience of living with ARFID from a family perspective. By providing basic knowledge on the epidemiology and etiology of the condition, this research will help to appropriately organize screening and implement ARFID treatments in Sweden.

Research interests
Katarzyna is interested in neuropsychiatric/ ESSENCE conditions in children and adolescents such as autism, ADHD, motor coordination disorder (DCD), intellectual disability, selective mutism, avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder ARFID and how they overlap with each other. She is also studying nutrition science, with a focus on the connection between gut microbiota and mental health. Sensorimotor rehabilitation or sensory re-education is another area of her interest, i.e., how to improve neurological body function and open new pathways for cognitive, behavioral, and physical development by using sensorimotor therapies. Sensorimotor re-education relies on a process called neuroplasticity: the brain’s natural ability to reorganize and rewire itself and learn new functions.