GPCC researcher information
Information for GPCC's researchers. Some items have documents or application forms containing more information. These can be found in the right hand column of this page.
Affiliating and referencing template for scientific publications GPCC
For all types of publications:
Include two affiliations for each of the authors:
1. Your department(s) – as usual for all publications
2. University of Gothenburg Centre for Person-Centred Care (GPCC), Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
In case the publication is representing the view of the whole centre (not only a report from a single project):
Author A, Author B, Author C, for the University of Gothenburg Centre for Person-Centred Care (GPCC)
- In this case the publication should also include the two types of affiliations as above. This is of importance for both visibility of the centre and for allocation means.
In case of shortage of space do prioritise affiliations based on funding.
For registration in GUP (Göteborgs Universitets Publikationer):
1. In GUP double affiliations should be entered, i.e. your department(s) + University of Gothenburg Centre for Person-Centred Care (GPCC)
2. Key word: include “Person-centred care”
Acknowledgement of funding:
This work was supported by The University of Gothenburg Centre for Person-centred Care (GPCC), Sweden. GPCC is funded by the Swedish Government’s grant for Strategic Research Areas (Care Sciences) and the University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
Application for financing to increase Patient and public involvement in a GPCC project
To apply for financing to increase Patient and public involvement (PPI) in a GPCC research project before the end of 2024 or 2025, please follow the instructions in the document on this page.
Bidrag till ACTA-serien
Vi har fått en egen ACTA-serie; Gothenburg Series in Person-Centred Care och efterlyser bidrag för publicering kvartal 1 och 2 2025. Skicka in förslag på publikationer till Eric Carlström
Publikationer som är aktuella är artiklar, böcker, antologier m.m. Vi är också intresserade av populärvetenskapliga publikationer skrivna på svenska och med fokus på lättillgängliga texter och ”practical implications”. Resultat och resonemang från tidigare publicerade studier kan inspirera. Våra publikationsspråk är svenska och engelska. Publikationer som kan vara intressanta för myndigheter och beslutsfattare kommer att distribueras i bokform. Alla publikationer kommer också att finns fritt tillgängliga i digital form via UB:s resurser.
Läs mer om detta i dokumentet på denna sida.
Writing retreats for GPCC research groups
The purpose is to create a safe space for focused writing of planned or on-going person-centred related texts, so that everyone who participate individually can make a significant step forward in a specific writing process of a project related to the GPCC mission.
The retreat will take place in a relaxing venue outside our campus. The programme will be set within the team and should for the majority of the time be dedicated to writing and/or discussion of manuscripts.
What: Three days with two overnight stays in 2024 or 2025. Hotel room, conference room(s) and meals (alcohol not included).
When: Dates to be decided within each project team.
Location: A hotel/venue included in the "helpension" category in the National Procurement Services (Statens inköpscentral) list of procured conference venues (in Swedish).
Travel: At your own expense.
Who: GPCC research project team members with a need for focused writing that would be appropriate to work with/discuss as a team. Adjust maximum number of participants according to the pandemic restrictions.
Fee: The cost for the accommodation and meals will be covered by GPCC. No expenses for salary or travel will be covered.
Application: One member from your team sends an email stating your wish to participate, including a brief purpose of your writing activity and how it relates to your GPCC related work, and the team members who are going to participate (maximum 250 words)
Deadline: No specific deadline.
Cancellation: According to the regulations in the reservation from the hotel.
Paper work: Booking confirmation with prices to be sent to
Code of conduct
The code of conduct available on this page has been prepared for researchers who receive funding from the University of Gothenburg Center for Person-centred Care (GPCC). It describes some of the requirements and expectations that apply to GPCC projects and is intended as a quick guide to some key issues. The Code of Conduct will evolve over time, and will be a way to support the continued development of the GPCC as an interdisciplinary center that spans most faculties at the University of Gothenburg.
GPCC Evaluation report and Centre application 2021
See documents on this page.