Courses in Mathematics
The Department of Mathematical Sciences offer a large number of courses. All courses offered in English are listed below.
Courses at Bachelor’s level
Autumn semester
MMG640 Scientific Visualization
MMG700 Analytic Function Theory
MMG810 Options and Mathematics
Spring semester
MMG511 Ordinary Differential Equations and Mathematical Modelling
MMG610 Discrete Mathematics
MMG631 Linear and Integer Optimization with Applications
MMG801 Partial Differential Equations
Courses at Master’s level
Autumn semester
MMA110 High Performance Computing
MMA201 Representation Theory (offered odd years)
MMA310 Galois Theory (offered odd years)
MMA320 Introduction To Algebraic Geometry (offered even years)
MMA330 Commutative Algebra (offered even years)
MMA400 Applied Functional Analysis
MMA511 Large Scale Optimization
MMA600 Numerical Linear Algebra
MMA620 High Performance Computing
MVA200 Perspectives in Mathematics
Spring semester
MMA130 Distribution Theory (offered odd years)
MMA140 Spectral Theory and Operator Algebras (offered odd years)
MMA150 Complex Analysis in Several Variables (offered even years)
MMA211 Advanced Differential Calculus (offered even years)
MMA340 Analytic Number Theory (offered odd years)
MMA350 Algebraic Number Theory (offered even years)
MMA430 Partial Differential Equations II
MMA440 Mathematical Structures of Deep Neural Networks
MMA630 Computational methods for stochastic differential equations (offered even years)
MMA712 Financial Derivatives and Partial Differential Equations