University of Gothenburg

Music education

Research in music education at the Academy of Music and Drama encompasses studies of all forms of musical learning, including the frameworks, prerequisites, traditions and conditions that govern situations where music forms the content of various learning processes. It addresses problems in contexts where music is or has been part of education, training and teaching, in both formal and non-formal educational contexts.

Photo: Maja Kristin Nylander

The background

The subject of music education has a scientific basis. The subject was established as a research discipline at the University of Gothenburg in the 1980s and as a postgraduate subject within the Artistic Faculty in 2000. The subject has its roots in musicology and general education. Its emergence can be traced back to a need for knowledge development and research relating to musical and music education practice.

Photo: Majk Zanqrelle

Research environment

The department conducts research and doctoral programmes in the field. Together with other universities with music education research in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland and Iceland, the Academy of Music and Drama is part of the Nordic Network for Music Education Research (NNRME). There is extensive international cooperation, including through the networks Research in Music Education (RIME), European Association for Music in Schools (EAS), International Society for Music Education (ISME) and Research in Music Education (RIME).

Photo: Lee Kearney

Research focus

Music education research is interdisciplinary in nature, using theories and methods from, for example, education, sociology, philosophy, cultural studies and musicology to understand and explain music education phenomena. Research focuses on music education in different contexts and at different levels, but also on learning and teaching outside formal educational institutions. Didactic studies are central, as are studies related to societal challenges such as issues of equity and social conditions for musical learning. More detailed descriptions of our music education research can be found in the current projects section under 'Research and development projects' (in Swedish).