The North German Baroque Organ
This instrument, located at Örgryte New Church, is a research copy of an organ from around 1700 by Arp Schnitger, the most important organ builder of his time. With this instrument we have a tool that our students can use, that really serves as the best teacher for the organ repertoire from the 17th century.
Werck (II) CDEFGA-c3
Principal 16
Quintaden 16
Octav 8
Spitzfloit 8
Octav 4
Super Octav 2
Mixtur 6.7.8 fach
Rauschpfeiff 2 fach
Trommet 16
Rück Positiv (I) CDE-c3
Principal 8
Quintadena 8
Gedact 8
Octav 4
Blockfloit 4
Ocatv 2
Quer Floit 2
Sieffloit 1 1/2
Sexquialt 2 fach
Scharff 6.7.8 fach
Dulcian 16
Bahrpfeiff 8
Ober Positiv (III) CDEFGA-c3
Principal 8
Hollfloit 8
Rohrfloit 8
Spitzfloit 4
Octav 4
Nassat 3
Gemshorn 2
Octav 2
Scharff 6 fach
Cimbel 3 fach
Trommet 8
Vox Humana 8
Zincke (from f0) 8
Brust Positiv (IV) CDEFGA-c3
Principal 8
Octav 4
Hollfloit 4
Waltfloit 2
Sexquialter 2 fach
Scharff 4.5.6 fach
Dulcian 8
Trechter Regal 8
Pedal CD-d1
Principal 16
SubBass 16
Octav 8
Octav 4
Rauschpfeiffe 3 fach
Mixtur 6.7.8 fach
Posaunen (from F) 32
Posaunen 16
Dulcian 16
Trommet 8
Trommet 4
Cornet 2
Couplers: OP/W, BP/W
5 Sperrventile: W, RP, OP, BP, Pedal
Tremulant, Tremulant RP, Tremulant Pedal
12 bellows of 4' x 8'
1/4 syntonic comma meantone
Subsemitones in all manuals: e flat/d#, g#/a flat, e flat1/d#1, g#1/a flat1, e flat2/d#2
In RP, add: b flat/a#, b flat1/a#1, g#2/a flat2
Pedal: e flat/d#, g#/a flat
3 interchangeable wind systems
The North German organ research project has been conducted under the working name Göteborg Organ Art Center (GOArt) at the University of Gothenburg and in collaboration with Chalmers University of Technology between 1990-2000. GOArt was a centre within the Faculty of Fine, Applied and Performing Arts at the University of Gothenburg, and its activities have been organ research with a focus on both music and instruments. The organ in the North German Baroque style in Örgryte's New Church, was reconstructed in the organ research workshop which is the hub of GOArt's interdisciplinary research model.