University of Gothenburg

To use the mailing list

The aim of the mailing list is to distribute information and discuss issues of interest to NEON members. The list are built on e-mails of the members.

Letters to this mail group will automatically be distributed to all subscribers without editing. Only subscribing members have access to reading and sending mail through the mailing lists.

NEON mailing list

To e-mail all members of the NEON mailing list you use the following e-mail address:

Using the mailing list

When you receive an e-mail from the mailing list that you want to reply to you have two options.

  1. If you only press "Reply" in you mail programme, your response will only reach the sender.
  2. If you press "Reply to All" your response will be sent to all on the entire mailing list.


If your e-mail address changes, remember to withdraw your previous address from the mailing list and sign up with your new address.