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The Handshake for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services was launched and signed on 20 February. The participating companies are AstraZeneca, Skanska, Vectura Properties, and Volvo Cars.
Photo: Isac Lundmark

Business and academia join forces for biodiversity


Stakeholders from business, the municipality and academia are now joining forces to strengthen efforts for biodiversity in the Gothenburg region. The aim is to scale up efforts for sustainable development through global responsibility with a local focus. The School of Business, Economics and Law is leading the initiative.

The City of Gothenburg and four companies have jointly signed a new initiative, the Handshake for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. Viktor Elliot, researcher in sustainable finance and lecturer in business administration at the School of Business, Economics and Law, has been involved in developing the initiative.

"The Handshake means that we want to work together to protect and enhance biodiversity for a sustainable urban environment, better health for residents and increased resilience to climate change. It is inspiring to see the commitment of the parties involved and I believe this initiative will be very beneficial for residents and businesses as well as for the environment," he says.

More companies welcome to join

The initiative was launched and signed on 20 February with participating companies including AstraZeneca, Skanska, Vectura Properties and Volvo Cars. Through the Handshake, they commit to increasing knowledge about - and action for - sustainable development in the Gothenburg region. They also aim to inspire more organisations to prioritise and implement measures for biodiversity and ecosystem services. Other companies are welcome to join the initiative.

"The School of Business, Economics and Law has an important role to play in this initiative. We have an understanding and knowledge of how corporate decision-making processes work and how to integrate, measure and evaluate in a way that works in a business context," says Viktor Elliot.

Measurable goals

The School of Business, Economics and Law is a member of the Gothenburg Global Biodiversity Centre (GGBC), which coordinates the Handshake. The actors in the initiative have in common that they have a significant impact on biodiversity and therefore have a great opportunity to make a difference in their respective fields. During the spring, each actor will set two goals that are measurable and contribute to real improvements. The action plan will be reviewed by a GGBC-appointed Scientific Council, which will support the work.

Many researchers at the School of Business, Economics and Law are involved in biodiversity projects.

"We have a long tradition of working with the marine industry and have been very involved in the GGBC. Another major project currently underway is Mistra Biopath, in which I am personally involved. We have six researchers and several PhD students working on how to integrate biodiversity into financial decision-making," says Viktor Elliot.