Screenshot of the database

Find the right research on person-centred care with GPCC's new database


A database has been developed to make it easier for those who want to find relevant articles on person-centred care written by researchers from GPCC. The publications in the database have been coded to make it easier to find what one are looking for. There is also a manual on how to use the database.

Since the establishment in 2010, researchers at The University of Gothenburg Centre for Person-Centred Care (GPCC), have published hundreds of scientific articles on a variety of aspects of person-centred care.  To help interested people find their way among all of these, a database has now been developed. It currently consists of 570 research publications published between 2010 and July 2024, and will be updated annually.

"The idea is to make it easier for researchers and other interested parties to both get an overview of GPCC's research so far, but also to be able to search for publications in for example a certain area or with a certain research design. The difference between this database, and searching for GPCC publications in GUP (University of Gothenburg's Publication Lists) is that we have chosen to only include peer-reviewed publications and that we have included the publications that are clearly about person-centred care", says Emma Forsgren, researcher and Coordinator for Education and Utilisation at GPCC.

A database with many uses

The database can be used to search for publications in various ways, but also to create visualizations in the form of cross-tabulations, for example. The publications in the database have been coded with a number of codes to make it easier to search.

Publications with a GPCC connection but without clear relevance to person-centred care* have been excluded from the selection. The database does not contain full-text documents, but lists of publications can be exported in various formats.

A manual to support the use of the database is available on the website below.


More information and link to the database:

* In the selection, person-centred care has been based on the vision document that was prepared early on within the GPCC: Inger Ekman, Karl Swedberg, Charles Taft, Anders Lindseth, Astrid Norberg, Eva Brink, Jane Carlsson, Synneve Dahlin-Ivanoff, Inga-Lill Johansson, Karin Kjellgren, Eva Lidén, Joakim Öhlén, Lars-Eric Olsson, Henrik Rosén, Martin Rydmark, Katharina Stibrant Sunnerhagen, Person-Centered Care — Ready for Prime Time, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Volume 10, Issue 4, 1 December 2011, Pages 248–251,