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- Emma Forsgren
Emma Forsgren
Care in Long-term Conditions-
Pre-conference at Röhsska Museum of Design and Craft: Designing person-centred care – prerequisites for co-creation in the physical and abstract
Emma Forsgren, Mills Dray, Samantha Hookway, Göran Lindahl, Pamela Lindgren, Franz James, Ulises Navarro Aguiar, Helle Wijk
Global Conference on Person-Centred Care: Knowledge(s) and Innovations for Health in Changing Societies, 13-16 May 2024, University of Gothenburg, Sweden. - 2024 -
Towards State of the Science in Person-Centred
Current reviews on personcentred
Emma Forsgren, Caroline Feldthusen, Sara Wallström, Lovisa Thunström, Lars Kullman, Richard Sawatzky, Joakim Öhlén
Towards state of the science in person-centred care. Wolf, A., Forsgren, E., Björkman, I., Edvardsson, D., & Öhlén, J. (Eds.) - 2024 -
Person-centred care in the context of higher education - a discourse analysis based on interviews with programme
Annie Jonnergård, Ida Björkman, Emma Forsgren, Caroline Feldthusen, Mari Lundberg, Catarina Wallengren
Content validity of the electronic faces thermometer scale for pain in children: is a picture worth more than a thousand
Angelica Höök+, Charlotte Castor, Maria Björk, Emma Forsgren, Anders Muszta, Stefan Nilsson
Frontiers in pain research (Lausanne, Switzerland) - 2024 -
The use of text-mining software to facilitate screening of literature on centredness in health
Emma Forsgren, Sara Wallström, Caroline Feldthusen, Niklas Zechner, Richard Sawatzky, Joakim Öhlén
Systematic Reviews - 2023 -
Centredness in health care: A systematic overview of
Caroline Feldthusen, Emma Forsgren, Sara Wallström, Viktor Andersson, Noah Löfqvist, Richard Sawatzky, Joakim Öhlén, Eva Jakobsson Ung
Health Expectations - 2022 -
Person‐centred care in speech‐language therapy research and practice for adults: A scoping
Emma Forsgren, Sabina Åke, Charlotta Saldert
International journal of language and communication disorders - 2022 -
Implementation of communication routines facilitating person-centred care in long-term residential care: A pilot
Emma Forsgren, Charlotta Saldert
Health Expectations - 2022 -
Person-centred care on the move - an interview study with programme directors in Swedish higher
Ida Björkman, Caroline Feldthusen, Emma Forsgren, Annie Jonnergård, Irma Lindström Kjellberg, Catarina Wallengren Gustafsson, Mari Lundberg
BMC medical education - 2022 -
Person-centeredness and person-centred care in practice: an overview of
Caroline Feldthusen, Emma Forsgren, Sara Wallström, Eva Jakobsson Ung, Joakim Öhlén
Poster, 21st International Conference on Integrated Care (ICIC), Virtual Conference, 2021-05-18. - 2021 -
Interactional practices in person-centred care: Conversation analysis of nurse-patient disagreement during self-management
Emma Forsgren, Ida Björkman
Health Expectations - 2021 -
Andreas Fors, Emma Forsgren
Personcentrering inom hälso- och sjukvård: Från filosofi till praktik (2:a upplagan) Inger Ekman (red.) - 2020 -
Improving medical students’ knowledge and skill in communicating with people with acquired communication
Emma Forsgren, Lena Hartelius, Charlotta Saldert
International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology - 2017 -
Exploring communication strategies for the facilitation of person-centred care: a comparison of three methods for
Emma Forsgren, Charlotta Saldert
Journal of Interactional Research in Communication Disorders/Equinox - 2017 -
Person-centred care and communication disorders: Exploration and facilitation of conversational interaction involving people with acquired neurogenic communication disorders and health care
Emma Forsgren
2017 -
Teaching medical students about communication in speech-language disorders: Effects of a lecture and a
Charlotta Saldert, Emma Forsgren, Lena Hartelius
International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology - 2016 -
Communicative barriers and resources in nursing homes from the enrolled nurses’ perspective: a qualitative interview
Emma Forsgren, Carola Skott, Lena Hartelius, Charlotta Saldert
International Journal of Nursing Studies - 2016 -
Improving medical students’ knowledge and skill in communication with people with speech-language
Emma Forsgren, Charlotta Saldert
Poster presentation, International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2016-04-14 - 2016 -
Improving medical students’ knowledge and skill in communication with people with speech-language
Emma Forsgren, Lena Hartelius, Charlotta Saldert
Poster presentation, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA), Philadelphia, USA, 2016-11-17 - 2016 -
Communication partner training of enrolled nurses working in nursing homes with people with communication disorders caused by stroke or Parkinson's
Karin Eriksson, Emma Forsgren, Lena Hartelius, Charlotta Saldert
Disability and Rehabilitation - 2016 -
Training conversation partners of persons with communication disorders related to Parkinsons disease - a protocol and a pilot
Emma Forsgren, Malin Antonsson, Charlotta Saldert
Logopedics, Phoniatrics, Vocology - 2013 -
Conversation partner training with a professional caregiver of a person with aphasia - Effects on everyday
Karin Eriksson, Emma Forsgren, Charlotta Saldert
Konferens: "Atypical Interaction: Conversation Analysis and Communication Impairments", 130627-130628, University of Sheffield - 2013 -
Conversation partner training in a group setting with spouses of persons with
Karin Eriksson, Emma Forsgren, Charlotta Saldert
ICPLA2012, 14 - 2012 -
Communicative Intervention in Neurogenic Speech and Language Disorders: Intervention With Focus on the Conversation
Karin Eriksson, Malin Antonsson, Emma Forsgren, Lena Hartelius, Charlotta Saldert
3rd Nordic Aphasia Conference - 2011