Photo: Alex Tufte

Honorary doctor with a focus on the classroom


Kirsti Klette has been named an honorary doctor by the Faculty of Education. As a professor at the University of Oslo, her main research interest is teaching and learning in the classroom.

Porträtt på Kirsti Klette.
Kirsti Klette.
Photo: Alex Tufte

“Systematically studying teaching and learning in the classroom is a common thread running through my research. I have studied what happens in the classroom from various different perspectives,” explains Kirsti Klette, Professor of Education at the University of Oslo.

Kirsti Klette has been employed at the University of Oslo since 2002. During that time, she has studied how education reforms are implemented at classroom level, how teaching changes over time and the correlation between teaching practices and student outcomes.

“Over the past ten years, I have focused more deeply on observation methodology and how video recordings can contribute to more nuanced studies of what happens in the classroom,” says Kirsti Klette.

Many of her studies have been on a large scale and several have also involved collaborating with researchers in other countries, not least in the Nordic region. Right now, for example, she is the research director for QUINT – Quality in Nordic Teaching – which is exploring the quality of teaching in the Nordic countries.

Developed the teacher education programme

Alongside her research, Kirsti Klette has also helped to develop the University of Oslo’s teacher education programme.

“We have made the programme more professionally oriented so as to better prepare the students for their future work in the classroom. Here too, video recordings have played a key role in linking together the campus programme and the educational work placements.”

Kirsti Klette has a longstanding relationship with the University of Gothenburg, through research projects, seminars, books and her help in developing the teacher education programme. Kirsti Klette also teaches at third-cycle level and at research schools.

“I look forward to strengthening and advancing our collaboration,” says Kirsti Klette.

Contact: Kirsti Klette, Professor of Education at the University of Oslo, email:, telephone: +47 93446608