Johan Zelano
Photo: Johan Wingborg

Johan Zelano New Director of the Translational Research Center WCMTM

Starting mid-September, Johan Zelano will be the new director of the Wallenberg Center for Molecular and Translational Medicine (WCMTM).

Johan Zelano is a professor and chief physician of neurology at the Sahlgrenska Academyand Sahlgrenska University Hospital.

"I have a great commitment to translational research, and I am eager to strengthen the collaboration between the clinical and pre-clinical research," Johan said. "I also look forward to being a part of shaping strong scientific environments, which WCMTM is known for."

Experience as a Fellow in the Program

Several interviews were held with candidates for the position just before the summer. Decisions were later made by the university's vice-chancellor, after a recommendation from the center's steering committee and main funder, the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation. The director of the center reports to the Dean of the Sahlgrenska Academy.

Johan has previously been a fellow in the center and is now an alumnus, and he emphasizes the value of being part of the program.

"It has enabled me to tackle questions using methods that I would otherwise never have had the resources for. The research groups at WCMTM have high ambitions in terms of both scientific quality and impact – so it has been inspiring and educational to participate in meetings and network events during my years in the program."

Johan Zelano at the WCMTM kick off 2024
Johan Zelano introduced himself in his new role as director during the center's annual kick-off on September 17. Around 100 research leaders and group members from over 20 research groups participated in the kick-off.

Bridging Clinic, Academia, and Industry

The center's goal is to create the best conditions for world-leading molecular and translational research and to develop the knowledge and competence of the next generation of leaders in academia and healthcare. With Region Västra Götaland and AstraZeneca as partners in the center, there is a strong bridge to both clinic and industry.

"In my role as director, I wish to focus in particular on the collaboration between healthcare, industry, and academia. Initially, a key part of that is listening to the needs and ideas of research group leaders and continuing a strong dialogue with our partners. Together, we will continue the top-level research that benefits society while also develop, maintain and attract new life science talents to Gothenburg," Johan said.

More About Johan Zelano

Age: 43
Lives: Kärralund
Hobbies: Tennis, running, reading

What sparked your interest in research?
I hardly remember – it was so long ago. But I know that once you've experienced the thrill of analyzing new data, it's hard to stop!

Facts: Academic and Clinical Background

Johan Zelano completed his preclinical research education at Karolinska Institute. He defended his thesis in 2009 after his research internship, with a dissertation on synaptic adhesion molecules and the role of complement factors in the remodeling of neuronal networks following trauma.

He then moved to Uppsala for his research residency in neurology. His postdoctoral project investigated genetic vulnerability to experimental epilepsy and clinical research. He studied for two terms in London at Queen Square, a neurological hospital academically affiliated with UCL.

In 2015, Johan joined Sahlgrenska University Hospital, one of Sweden's largest epilepsy care providers. Here, Johan established a research group, which conducts large-scale registry studies aiming to develop tailored epilepsy treatments. The group is also leading a regional biobank study aimed at identifying biomarkers to guide the diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy. Methodologically, they work with both epidemiological statistics and proteomics, and they are approaching genetics, electrophysiology, and imaging through several collaborations.