
Lost in Translation: Agneta Häll on the HR Business Partner Role Between Strategy and Reality

In a recently published article, the challenges faced by the HR Business Partner role are examined as it balances between strategic ambitions and operational demands in Scandinavian organizations.

Agneta Häll, a doctoral candidate at the Centre for Global HRM (CGHRM) at the University of Gothenburg, has recently been published in the esteemed journal Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies. Her article, titled “Lost in Translation: The Human Resource Business Partner in a Scandinavian Context,” explores the complex and often challenging role of the HR Business Partner (HRBP) in Scandinavian organizations, marking an important milestone in her academic career.

The HRBP role was introduced over a decade ago as a link between managers and the HR function, with the aim of providing strategic HR support. However, Häll's research reveals that the reality is often quite different. Instead of focusing on strategic issues, many HRBPs find themselves bogged down in operational tasks, such as assisting managers with practical personnel matters and HR systems. This contrasts with the ideal HRBP role, which should involve deep business knowledge and the ability to drive HR strategy.

Another challenge is finding HRBPs with the right skill set. Many lack the combination of deep business understanding and HR expertise required, and the role is often less attractive to experienced HR professionals. Therefore, Häll suggests that the HRBP work should instead be organized in teams, where individuals with different competencies can complement each other and provide better support to managers.

Her research uncovers a weakness in the current HRBP concept: the solitary nature of the work and the broad skill set required. A more team-based approach could be a way to improve the efficiency of the HR function and reduce the burden on individual HRBPs, which would also strengthen HR's strategic role within organizations.

Read Agneta's full article here or register for the webinar on September 26th (at the bottom of the page) to hear more about Agneta's research.

Text: Donika Nord