
New dissertation investigates the interface between instruction and practice, nature and culture, science and ritual


On February 15th, 2019, Andréa Wiszmeg defended her thesis entitled "Cells in Culture, Cells in Suspense. Practices of Cultural Production in Foetal Cell Research" at Lund University

Andréa Wiszmeg, who is affiliated with LETStudio 2, follows in her ethnological compilation thesis from Lund University, a national branch of a foetal cell transplantation trial through successes as well as challenges in processing foetal material into an effective, transplantable cell suspension.

The cell suspension's capacity of producing new knowledge, emotions and logistical and ethical negotiations is investigated and contextualised. The resulting products are beyond the scope of the trial and biomedical research in general, but do nonetheless interact with and affect society at large. Exploring the intersection between instruction and practice, nature and culture as well as between science and ritual, this thesis contributes to a broader understanding of cultural and material conditions of knowledge production.

The dissertation is entitled "Cells in Culture, Cells in Suspense. Practices of Cultural Production in Foetal Cell Research" and available via