The LETStudio is an open transdisciplinary research network based at the University of Gothenburg. It has emerged out of a strategic university initiative to establish interdisciplinary research areas building on new forms of cross-faculty collaboration with strong outreach. Established in 2010 LETStudio continues to be an expanding research environment encompassing a wide ranging network of collaborations and projects.
Research interests and collaboration
The LETStudio addresses issues of knowledge, learning, communication and expertise in contemporary society. In particular, we aim to both explore and further enable creative re-enactments of knowledge and learning through the introduction of new digital tools and methods. How does scientific knowledge gain new currency in professional, public and private life through its growing association with new digital devices and methods? What does this imply for the future of expert-lay relations, the saliency of new citizen science practices and other experimental forms of broadened participation and involvement in education, science, technology and medicine?
Both responding and engaging with current transformations of knowledge and learning, LETStudio seeks to draw on and attract a broad range of skills and competences from many different disciplines and fields of professional endeavour.
Current and future directions
- Scrutinizing ongoing socio-technological developments
- Designing and exploring learning arrangements and work environments
- Developing performative forms of assessment
- Re-enacting research methods/materials into learning materials
Meta-level expertise
- Connoisseurship in interdisciplinary collaboration
- Methodological innovation in support of research with transdisciplinary potential
- Providing advice and brokering new modes of thinking between funding bodies and relevant stakeholders