Olof vid hans skrivbord
Photo: Isac Lundmark

Olof Johansson Stenman new member of the Climate Policy Council


The government has today appointed Olof Johansson Stenman, professor of economics, as a new member of the Climate Policy Council.
"It is an honor, but above all, it is an important task that the council has," he says.

The Climate Policy Council is an independent and interdisciplinary expert body that evaluates and reviews the government's climate policy. The goal is net-zero greenhouse gas emissions in Sweden by 2045. The council consists of eight members, and starting on July 1, Olof Johansson Stenman, Professor of Economics at the School of Business, Economics and Law, University of Gothenburg, will take office.

"In addition to evaluating the government's policy and the basis it relies on, the council should also contribute to increased discussion about climate policy in society. What role the council plays in the actual policies implemented in practice is, of course, difficult to determine and likely varies over time," he says.

Olof Johansson Stenman researches instruments and distribution issues within environmental economics, behavioral economics, and public economics.

"Generally, I see my role in the council as part of an interdisciplinary collaboration, but as the only economist, I will probably have a special responsibility for questions regarding the cost-effectiveness of various instruments and measures and how different climate policy measures may impact," he says.

Olof at his desk
Olof Johansson Stenman conducts research on instruments and distribution issues within environmental economics, behavioral economics, and public economics.
Photo: Robin Lundin

Text: Jessica Oscarsson