Provtagning ombord R/V Skagerak
Provtagning pågår - R/V Skagerak ute till havs.
Photo: Sophia Hallberg

R/V Skagerak paving the way for sustainable offshore wind power


The government recently gave the go-ahead for a wind farm 40 kilometres northwest of Gothenburg. Several samplings that laid the groundwork for the project have been carried out on board R/V Skagerak. The results provide new insights into the ecosystem in the area - valuable for ensuring that the wind farm will be both a biologically and environmentally sustainable source of renewable energy.

Demand for electricity continues to grow, while efforts to accelerate the green transition with renewable energy are increasing.  

Last autumn, the government in Sweden approved one of several proposed offshore wind farms. The project, called Poseidon, will be located between Marstrand and Skagen in the Swedish EEZ (exclusive economic zone). According to the plans, Poseidon will consist of around 80 floating wind turbines up to 340 metres high. This is a major investment that has required extensive preparatory work – not least when it comes to studying how the operation will affect the surrounding environment.

R/V Skagerak perfect for the job

This is where the R/V Skagerak comes in. Because some of the environmental studies for Poseidon and other similar energy projects have been carried out on board the University of Gothenburg's large research vessel.

Sophia Hallberg and Rikard Karlsson
Marine environmental specialists Sophia Hallberg and Rikard Karlsson previously studied at the Department of Marine Sciences at the University of Gothenburg. Now they work with renewable energy at sea.
Photo: Agnes Faxén

Two of those who worked on the sampling are marine environmental specialists Sophia Hallberg and Rikard Karlsson. 

Both have previously studied at the Department of Marine Sciences at the University of Gothenburg, and now they work at the Nordic wind power company Zephyr, which together with Vattenfall is developing Poseidon and several other similar projects. 

Our sampling with R/V Skagerak has given us new and detailed insights.

Surveys have been carried out several times during 2024, and both Sophia Hallberg and Rikard Karlsson emphasise that the R/V Skagerak is perfect for these tasks.

"Since we have been acquainted with the University of Gothenburg's research vessel during our studies at GU, we knew what kind of surveys could be carried out," says Sophia Hallberg.

"The R/V Skagerak has definitely helped us to gain enormously valuable knowledge about the area," adds Rikard Karlsson.

Provtagning ombord R/V Skagerak
R/V Skagerak has a large aft deck that is perfect for working with sampling.
Photo: Marine Monitoring AB

Sampling has mapped the marine environment

The wind farm will be located far out to sea, about three miles from the coast. This geographical location has made it particularly important to collect new data on the environment in the area, for example on wildlife and seabed conditions.

"A lot of detailed information was previously lacking on this offshore area, which is located far from the coast. Our sampling with R/V Skagerak has given us new and detailed insights," says Sophia Hallberg.

The surveys include everything from analysing sediment cores from the seabed to investigate the presence of contaminants to inventorying the presence of porpoises in the area. 

"Now we have a much clearer picture of the nature of the area, which means we have good knowledge of the area, which is important for the project," says Sophia Hallberg.

One of the challenges during the sampling was the intermittent strong current in the area, but thanks to R/V Skagerak's Dynamic Positioning system, the vessel can stay completely still in the water, despite waves and currents.

"With the DP system, we were able to perform good and safe sampling, as it helps the vessel to parry waves and stay stable," says Rikard Karlsson.

Advantages of a state-of-the-art research vessel

Skagerak's equipment and design have facilitated the work in several ways. In addition to the DP system, Sophia and Rikard emphasise several other factors that make the vessel excellent for this type of mission:

"We have the large deck for handling equipment, the hangar where samples can be taken care of in the shelter of the weather, and the laboratories on board that can serve as offices when we are out," says Sophia Hallberg.  

The ship also has very good seaworthiness and safety equipment, as well as a crew used to research and sampling.

"The safety and stability allow us to safely carry out our tasks, and it is a huge security to work with a competent crew that has extensive experience of similar investigations," says Sophia Hallberg.

Cooperation between academia and industry

The fact that R/V Skagerak is Swedish-flagged and has Gothenburg as its home port has made the work easier, both practically and environmentally.

"The proximity to the sampling area means that it is a benefit for both us and the environment to use R/V Skagerak in the work," says Rikard Karlsson.

Sophia Hallberg
Sophia Hallberg in action on board the R/V Skagerak.
Photo: Sophia Hallberg

He believes that the Poseidon project can be seen as a successful example of how industry and academia can work together on sustainability issues. 

"In this way, industry can show what skills are needed, which in the long run ensures that Sweden has the necessary expertise," Rikard Karlsson says..

"And an important aspect of going out to sea on board a research vessel during your studies is that you realise how demanding, but also enormously rewarding, work at sea is," adds Sophia Hallberg.

Invaluable new knowledge

Now that Poseidon has been given the green light, work on the wind farm is progressing. Planning is underway to apply for the export pipelines that will carry the wind farm's electricity to the Swedish grid.

The data we have collected is invaluable for understanding the current situation in this marine area," says Sophia Hallberg. 

Rikard Karlsson adds:

"We hope to be back on the R/V Skagerak soon."

Text: Agnes Faxén

Facts R/V Skagerak

Some of the factors that make R/V Skagerak a perfect vessel for renewable energy projects.

  • Dynamic Positioning (DP) system for precise and stable positioning.
  • Crane and A-frame for flexibility and safe execution of various operations.
  • Large deck for handling equipment and materials.
  • A hangar where samples can be handled in protection from the weather.
  • Laboratories that can serve as ‘site offices’.
  • Starlink for efficient connectivity at sea.
  • CTD rosette for measuring conductivity, temperature and depth.