De tre studenterna står med en pokal
Photo: Isac Lundmark

Students won the Swedish Championship in Business & Economics

The winners of the Swedish Championship in Business and Economics are from the School! Congratulations to Simon Karlsson, Viggo Paulsson, and Vilhelm Palmén, who are currently studying their second semester at the Bachelor’s programme in Business & Economics (Ekonomie kandidatprogram).  

How does it feel to have won?

Absolutely incredible! At first, it felt very surreal, but now we’ve had time to process the whole experience. It feels amazing, and we are so happy that we could represent, and bring home a gold medal for, Gothenburg!

How does the competition work?

After qualifying as the best team at the School of Business, Economics and Law at the University of Gothenburg, the main competition was held in sunny Halmstad over a weekend. The competition first consisted of a semifinal designed as a written exam, where we jointly solved various tasks in Business Administration, Economics, and general economics. Out of the 17 competing universities, the top four teams advanced to the final. The final was held in front of an audience where we and the other three universities answered questions live before judges (comprising university professors from several Swedish universities).

And now the Nordic Championship in Business & Economics awaits, how do you feel about that competition?

It feels incredibly exciting, and we’re looking forward to that challenge! It would be amazing if Gothenburg could also beat the neighboring countries. Before that, we’re planning to go on a football trip to recharge our batteries, so it’s going to be a lot of fun!