Portrait of Johanna Eggers
Photo: Elin Andersson och Annie Rolén

Visiting Researcher from Denmark at JMG

Each year, a number of researchers from other countries come to the Department of Journalism, Media, and Communication (JMG). Hosting visiting researchers is important for strengthening the department's research environment. At the moment, Johanna Eggers is visiting to exchange experiences with her Swedish colleagues.

Johanna Eggers comes from Germany and currently works in Denmark at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU). Her research operates at the intersection of media and communication studies and digital technology. She explores, among other things, how AI and the media public interact and the potential consequences of this in a democratic society. With the help of digital technology, she hopes to make it easier to find credible news and combat misinformation. 

As part of her doctoral studies at SDU, Johanna visits other universities to gain new perspectives and learn about different approaches and knowledge. She has previously visited Oslo Metropolitan University and is now spending six weeks at JMG. Johanna Eggers is close to the completion of her doctoral studies and will continue to work on her research project during her time here. She is particularly looking forward to exchanging experiences with her Swedish colleagues and learning about their research and methodologies. 

Jesper Strömbäck, Head of Research at JMG, is hosting Johanna Eggers during her time here and says: 
”'For JMG, it is very exciting that Johanna has chosen to guest research with us! Her research is both very interesting and important, and having guest researchers like Johanna strengthens our research environment and our international networks.”

Text and photo: Elin Andersson and Annie Rolén