Gruppbild på stentrappan vid universitetets huvudbyggnad.
Tandläkarexamen 2024!
Photo: Sophia Löfqvist Elfvén

Wonderful graduation season!


The conclusion of the spring semester marks the joyful graduation season at the Sahlgrenska Academy. Here, we take a look at some of the solemn occasions for our former students.

They are now transitioning from being students to becoming colleagues, within professions where there is a great demand for their skills. However, a university degree is just the beginning of the lifelong learning required for the jobs they are now eligible to perform. A warm message from many teachers during the graduation ceremonies was that the former students are always warmly welcomed back to the university to continue their personal development within their expertise area.

Students in a group photo taken outdoors.
Biomedical analysts are a profession unknown to many. Now, an exciting and varied professional life awaits!
Photo: Camilla Hesse

First up was the graduation of the 42 newly graduated biomedical analysts, whose ceremony was held at the Wallenberg Conference Center. The students were accompanied by their loved ones. In addition to several speeches, the celebration also included a quiz and a slideshow from their time as students. Now, summer jobs await in various laboratory medical activities or in clinical physiology.

Five speakers gathered in a group photo.
Sahlgrenska Academy's Pro Dean Magnus Simrén, on the left, and the Vice Chair of the Medical Program Committee Anne Uv, on the right. Sam Polesie was the students' selected guest speaker. The students' emcees were Sabrina Oriakhel and Markus Andersson.
Photo: Elin Lindström

Several programs conducted their graduation ceremonies in the university's beautiful auditorium in Vasaparken. 112 new doctors were examined in pomp and circumstance, with excellent performances by talented students and a series of engaging speeches.

Kalle and Hannes dressed up on the grand stone staircase of the university, surrounded by classmates.
Both Kalle Jakobsson and Hannes Nilsson feel that it's strange and surreal to graduate from the medical program, but at the same time, it's a good feeling. Kalle will now be a junior resident at Sahlgrenska, and Hannes is moving to Hässleholm.
Photo: Elin Lindström
Sadaf and Winnie on the grand stone staircase surrounded by classmates.
Sadaf Timori and Winnie Teow also graduate as doctors with mixed feelings. "It has created strong bonds with all our classmates. I hope we will meet again!"
Photo: Elin Lindström

65 new pharmacists were also celebrated with warm congratulations. Teacher and chief pharmacist Sara Sjöberg urged all graduates to seize the opportunities provided by the broad and deep education they have received:
"Be proud of what you know and humble in your willingness to learn more!"

Mustafa and Rita inside the auditorium amidst the crowd.
Mustafa Hydar and Rita Alkabra, pharmacy program: "It's been very tough years, but of course, really fun. This is a career that I have been striving for for so long, so finally!" says Mustafa.
Photo: Josefin Bergenholtz
Daniel outside the church with flowers in hand.
Daniel Blom, nursing program: "It feels fantastic to be done, I'm really happy today! It's been a very good education, very research-based. I am truly satisfied."
Photo: Lovisa Aijmer


Nelly with flowers outside the church.
Nelly Wahlström, graduation from the radiology nursing program: "It feels incredible, really great! And it's especially fun to stand here now with my classmates. The best part, I think, has been all the practical training."
Photo: Lovisa Aijmer
Rebecca and Erik beam in unison with flowers in their hands.
Rebecca Rosberg and Erik Ekström, physiotherapists. "We have learned so much and grown as individuals," says Rebecca, and Erik adds: - We have also had an incredible sense of community and been a very tight-knit group!"
Photo: Josefin Bergenholtz


Group photo on stage of the new dental hygienists.
Around twenty dental hygienists graduated. Sara Hellman gave the speech to the newly minted dental hygienists in the auditorium in Vasaparken. Peter Lingström, the head of the Institute of Odontology, handed out flowers.
Photo: Sophia Löfqvist Elfvén
talare i talarstolen på scenen.
The newly graduated dental technicians were also celebrated with speeches and flowers.
Photo: Sophia Löfqvist Elfvén
Students lined up on the podium - very happy and proud!
After completing our supplementary education for two terms, these dentists with previous education from countries outside the EU/EEA are now ready to step into professional life!
Photo: Sophia Löfqvist Elfvén