University of Gothenburg
Ocean waves and rocks.
Photo: Nina Romanus

About us

Ocean is a website that presents ocean related activities at the University of Gothenburg. The web site presents research, education and news about the ocean from many different perspectives and scientific disciplines. The web site is managed by communication officers at the Centre for Sea and Society.

With its location by the West Coast of Sweden, the University of Gothenburg is a recognisable centre for Swedish research and education about the ocean. The University also has a marine infrastructure with laboratories and instruments that enables research at the highest international level, and that welcomes researchers and students all over the world. On this web page, you can read more about the University's marine organisation.

Centre for Sea and Society

The Centre for Sea and Society was inaugurated 2015 in order to be the new entry point to all marine and maritime activities within the University of Gothenburg. The Centre's mission is to initiate, stimulate and develop transdisciplinary research and education within the marine/maritime field. 

Department of Marine Sciences

The Department of Marine Sciences is Sweden’s most complete environment for marine research and marine education. The Department is the host department for the Marine Infrastructure at the University of Gothenburg, with several research vessels and marine research stations.

Department of Biological and Environmental Science

The Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences has many researchers that focus on marine areas such as adaptation of marine species to climate change, or the effect of pollution in our oceans. Some of the Department's researchers are located at the Kristineberg Marine Research Station.

Swedish Mariculture Research Center, SWEMARC

The goal of SWEMARC, Swedish Mariculture Research Center, is to increase the sustainability of farming food from the ocean through interdisciplinary and socially engaging research. SWEMARC is one of six interdisciplinary research centres at the University of Gothenburg with research that meets today's global societal challenges.

Centre for Marine Evolutionary Biology

The Centre for Marine Evolutionary Biology, CeMEB, brings together a broad expertise from different disciplines interested in evolutionary processes of marine organisms. Main foci are how populations evolve, adapt and diverge. This includes processes of adaptation over spatial and temporal environmental transitions as, for example, climate change.

Ocean Group

The Ocean Group at the Department of Law is organised around the challenges associated with making human use and interaction with the oceans ecologically, financially and socially sustainable. This entails working with the role of law and wider governance perspectives on activities such as maritime transport, resource extraction, energy generation, and nature preservation.

Marine Infrastructure

The Department of Marine Sciences is the host department for the Marine Infrastructure at the University of Gothenburg. The infrastructure has laboratories and instruments that enables research at the highest international level, and we welcome researchers and students from all over the world.