University of Gothenburg
Studenter i våtdräkt vid havet
Photo: Anna-Lena Lundqvist

Our Master's Programmes

The University of Gothenburg offers several international Master's Programmes connected to the ocean. The marine and maritime research at the University of Gothenburg is prominent in several research fields, and all teaching is done by active researchers. This provides a solid foundation for your studies in a way that is unique in the Swedish context.

Our two research field stations Tjärnö and Kristineberg, are two of Europe’s most modern marine laboratories, with unique possibilities to conduct advanced experimental work. Both stations have a well-developed running sea-water system, scientific laboratories of high international standard, several research vessels, AUV:s and ROV:s.

Our Master's Programmes

Master's Programme Sea and Society

The Master's Programme Sea and Society aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the interactions between marine ecosystems and human socio-economic systems, both historically and into the future. It also provides insights to, and an understanding of, the many complex problems that challenge the sustainable development of our use of the sea and new tools to meet these challenges.

Master’s Programme in Marine Science

The interdisciplinary Master’s Programme in Marine Science incorporates oceanography, marine biology, marine chemistry, and marine geology, preparing you to become tomorrow’s problem solvers in marine sciences.

Master’s Programme in Physical Oceanography

The Master’s Programme in Physical Oceanography will give you an overview of the physical laws governing the evolution of ocean currents and the propagation of ocean waves. You will get acquainted with the state-of-the-art techniques used to observe and model the ocean. The different courses are designed so that you can explore the main branches of Physical Oceanography, including theory, observation and numerical simulation, and later specialize according to your own interests.

The Nordic Master’s Programme in Sustainable Production and Utilization of Marine Bioresources

This Master’s Programme offers a deep and coherent integration of biological, environmental, social, legal, and spatial planning aspects of sustainable production and utilization of marine bio-resources. You will develop knowledge and skills in marine food production systems and build networks and partnership opportunities with academic institutions, the industry, authorities and the seafood trade, and product and marketing institutions.

Master's Programme in Environmental Sciences

Environmental science studies the threats to our common future on Earth, but also the opportunities human society has to tackle these challenges. You will gain in-depth knowledge and competence regarding all aspects of environmental problems, and how those aspects interact. You will be prepared to work as an environmental expert, working towards a sustainable future.

International Master of Science in Marine Biological Resources, IMBRSea

The Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Programme IMBRSea has an emphasis on marine biological and ecological processes. The programme links biology of marine organisms and environmental studies with application in marine conservation, management, policy and planning, and aims for people who dare to think about the challenges of tomorrow.

Master’s Programme in Atmosphere, Climate, and Ecosystems

The master’s programme in Atmosphere, Climate, and Ecosystems adds resources to the understanding of and solutions for the UN Sustainable Development Goals. It provides you with the opportunity to study the complex global system made up of the atmosphere, climate, and ecosystems, and the related global challenges. As a graduate of the programme, you will be prepared to enter society with broad knowledge in natural science and special competence in a specialized field of science, intermixed with global challenges.

Want to know more about our master's programmes?

Our Study Environment

Gothenburg is situated at the west coast of Sweden. Here you will find coastal waters with higher diversity of marine species than anywhere else in Sweden, along with a relieving proximity to the open sea.