University of Gothenburg

Data collection

PregDem uses a variety of data sources. The two most important are the Pregnancy Panel at Sahlgrenska University Hospital SU/Östra and the Swedish Citizen Panel, University of Gothenburg.

The Pregnancy Panel

For the Pregnancy Panel, almost 7000 pregnant women and partners were recruited in face-to-face recruitment at the ultrasound clinic’s waiting area at the largest hospital in the Gothenburg city area between September 16 2019 and 18 March 2020. Panel members were recruited in the early stages of pregnancy and members recieve three surveys during pregnancy, and three after childbirth (when the child is two months, 1 year and 2 years old). The respondents' opinion data is linked to medical data from pregnancy and childbirth. For study information to participants.

The Swedish Citizen Panel

In the Swedish Citizen Panel, which consists of around 75 000 self-selected respondents, we participate by asking respondents whether they or their partner is pregnant every six months. This means that we follow individuals already before they become pregnant.

The SOM surveys

The SOM surveys is a most central project of public opinion research within the University of Gothenburg. Every year since 1986 the Swedish population have answered questions about Society, Opinion and Media. PregDem participates in the national SOM survey, in the regional SOM survey in Gothenburg, and in an extensive coronavirus SOM survey to study the effects of the coronavirus pandemic on Swedish society.