University of Gothenburg
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Results and publications

The analyses of the data collection is ongoing and results of our research will be published in scientific journals as well as in books and more easily accessible reports and texts.


Matilda Wådell, Anne K. Örtqvist, Karolina Linden, Magnus Akerstrom, Ola Andersson, Ylva Carlsson, Sofie Graner, Maria Jonsson, Elin Naurin, Verena Sengpiel, Malin Veje, Anna Wessberg & Mehreen Zaigham (2022). Challenges imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic on the Obstetrics and Gynecology residency program: a mixed-methods Swedish survey in the COPE Staff cohort study. BMC Med Educ 22, 602 (2022).

Naurin, Elin och Patrik Öhberg (2021). Politiska uppfattningar bland kvinnor och män som har barn i hushållet. I Ulrika Andersson, Anders Carlander, Marie Grusell & Patrik Öhberg (red) Ingen anledning till oro (?). 401 Göteborg: SOM-institutet, Göteborgs universitet.

Markstedt, Elias, Naurin, Elin & Wallin, Anton (2021). Vilka politiska förslag tycker mammor och pappor är viktigast? I Ulrika Andersson, Anders Carlander, Marie Grusell & Patrik Öhberg (red) Ingen anledning till oro (?). 429 Göteborg: SOM-institutet, Göteborgs universitet.

Naurin, Elin, Dietlind Stolle & Elias Markstedt. 2022. The Effect of Pregnancy on Engagement with Politics. Toward a Model of the Political Consequences of the Earliest Stages of ParenthoodAmerican Political Science Review, 1-7. Published online 17 May 2022. doi:10.1017/S0003055422000430. 

Naurin, E., Markstedt, E., Stolle, D., Enström, D., Wallin, A., Andreasson, I., Attebo, B., Eriksson, O., Martinsson, K., Elden, H., Lindén, K. & Sengpiel, V. (2020). Pregnant under the pressure of a pandemic: a large-scale longitudinal survey before and during the COVID-19 outbreak. Accepted for publication in European Journal of Public Health 11 November 2020.

Elias Markstedt, Elin Naurin, Anton Wallin, Helen Elden, Karolina Linden & Verena Sengpiel (2020). Hur upplever gravida och deras partners coronapandemin? SOM-undersökningen om coronaviruset 2020.

Elin Naurin, Elias Markstedt, Dietlind Stolle, Helen Elden, Verena Sengpiel, Karolina Linden. Does Transition to Parenthood Affect Gender Traits? The Effect of Pregnancy on Perceived Female and Male TraitsEuropean Journal of Politics and Gender.  Accepted for publication August 2020.

Yosef Bhatti, Kasper M. Hansen, Elin Naurin, Dietlind Stolle & Hanna Wass (2019). Can you deliver a baby and vote? The effect of the first stages of parenthood on voter turnout, Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, 29:1, 61-81, Received price for honorable mention for best article 2019.