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Clinical Psychology

Research group
Pågående forskning
Project owner
Psykologiska institutionen

Short description

The research group Clinical Psychology, Prevention and Intervention from a Lifespan Perspective (CPPI) consists of researchers and clinicians from the Department of Psychology. Our research focuses on developmental pathways toward well-being or mental ill health from the perspectives of children, youths, adults, relatives, and professionals. We study the effects of preventive as well as therapeutic interventions, develop new methods, and use both quantitative and qualitative research methods.

Our research area

A common denominator for the research conducted by the CPPI is a focus on living conditions, prevention, and intervention aimed at promoting mental health in children, youth and adults. For instance, we investigate interaction between parents and children as well as between clients and professionals.


Much of our research is conducted in collaboration with stakeholders such as preschools/schools, maternal and child health care, child and adolescent psychiatry, adult psychiatry, pediatric health care, and social services. Many of our research projects adopt a co-creation approach, actively involving the target groups of our studies – children and adolescents, parents, clients, relatives, and professionals – throughout the entire project lifecycle, with the aim of creating inclusive and well-informed research processes.

Benefits of clinical research

There is a great need to explore the effectiveness of different interventions and treatments currently being used in health care. For example, treatment methods developed and used in other countries need to be translated and evaluated in a Swedish context. Generating knowledge to develop new treatment methods or adapt existing ones is also important. There is a great need to explore the effectiveness of different interventions and treatments currently being used in health care. For example, treatment methods developed and used in other countries need to be translated and evaluated in a Swedish context. Generating knowledge to develop new treatment methods or adapt already existing methods is also important.

The impact of the research

Our research aims to improve the living conditions and mental health in children, adolescents, and adults. Much of the findings in our research is communicated and integrated in the work of authorities and health care, but we also place great emphasis in disseminating knowledge to the public by participating in public discourse.


Associate professors 

  • Elin Alfredsson
    parenting support, prevention, attachment and mentalization, developmental psychopathology, mental health, intervention research
  • Petra Boström
    pediatric psychology, clinical psychology, parenting, resilience, children with intellectual disabilities, mental illness among parents
  • Anneli Goulding
    psychotic disorders
  • Karin Grip 
    Attachment, parent support, interpersonal violence, mental health 
  • Johan Hagborg Melander
    Children and youth at risk, emotional neglect, trauma
  • Ole Hultmann
    children and adolescents, psychotherapy, trauma, domestic violence, risk assessments in social services
  • Ann-Sophie Lindqvist Bagge
    Addiction, psychological treatment, somatic health, mental health
  • Pamela Massoudi
    young children, trauma, neglect, parent-child interaction, treatment, perinatal mental health
  • Peter Sand
  • Jennifer Strand
    serious mental illness, attachment and mentalization, parenting and mental illness, negative effects of treatment
  • Lina Wirehag Nordh
    children as relatives, prevention, parental support, mental illness


PhD Students