University of Gothenburg
Photo of a plastic model brain
Photo: Kristin Lidell

Integrative Cognitive Neuroscience Lab (ICON Lab)

The fields of cognitive neuroscience and neuropsychology study the relationship between brain and behavior. In the ICON Lab, we answer research questions about how the brain produces (and is shaped by) thoughts, emotions, and behavior, and how the brain relates to mental health. We use methods such as neuroimaging and cognitive tests in experimental studies, in larger population-based studies, and in studies of patients.

Research area

A common theme in the ICON Lab is to answer questions about how the brain produces (and is shaped by) thoughts, emotions, and behavior, and how the brain relates to mental health. This theme is by nature interdisciplinary and research in this field often requires collaboration between psychologist and medical doctors to successfully apply methods such as brain imaging and cognitive tests in studies of both healthy volunteers and patients. Our research has a focus on the plasticity of the brain during learning, aging of the brain in relation to memory performance, and how cognition and emotion are affected in neurological and psychiatric conditions. 

Research projects


Full professors

Martin Lövdén, Professor      
Learning, Plasticity, Development, Aging

Associate professors

Marie Eckerström, Associate Professor      
Clinical neuropsychology, Cognitive dysfunction in relation to dementia disorders, work-related stress disorder, and viral infections in the central nervous system

Gaia Olivo, Assistant professor   
Learning, Plasticity, Development, Brain Imaging, fMRI

Sindre Rolstad, Associate Professor
Clinical neuropsychology

Toms Voits, Postdoctoral researcher
Aging, plasticity, neuroimaging, bi-/multilingualism

Stefan Winblad, Associate Professor  
Executive functions, emotions, social cognition, neurological  and psychiatric disorder

PhD students

Gustaf Glavå, Doctoral student   
Pathological Fatigue, fNIRS, Clinical Neuropsychology

Maria Gröndal, Doctoral student
Emotions, irritability/ anger, hormones, women’s health, premenstrual symptoms

Amos Pagin, Doctoral student   
Intelligence, Learning

Isac Sehlstedt, Doctoral student     
Working memory, executive functions, mentalizing, language development, touch, EEG, eye tracking