Cover illustration by Bengt Åberg, modified by Alma Christensson
Photo: Omslagsillustration av/Cover illustration by: Bengt Åberg, modifierad av/modified by Alma Christensson

Cecilia Kjellberg Olofsson - Valvular aortic stenosis in children. Outcome, physical activity and health related quality of life


On May 4, Cecilia Kjellberg Olofsson is defending her thesis for Doctor of Medical Science at the Institute of Clinical Sciences, Sahlgrenska Academy, in the research subject of Pediatric.

The title of the thesis is: Valvular aortic stenosis in children. Outcome, physical activity and health related quality of life

Link directly to the doctoral thesis and the whole abstract

Cecilia Kjellberg Olofsson, specialist i barnkardiologi och verksam som överläkare på barn- och ungdomskliniken i Sundsvall, Reg
Cecilia Kjellberg Olofsson, specialist in pediatric cardiology, works as chief physician at the pediatric and adolescent clinic in Sundsvall, Region Västernorrland.
Photo: Sven Olofsson


Introduction: Isolated valvular aortic stenosis (VAS) accounts for 3–5% of congenital heart disease and presents with a wide spectrum of severity. Critical VAS in the neonate is the most severe form, fatal in the absence of treatment. Physical activity is essential for normal development and is a prerequisite for long-term cardiovascular health. Health-related quality of life (HRQoL) and life satisfaction are important subjective outcome factors.


Aim: To investigate survival and treatment outcome in neonates, children and adolescents treated for isolated VAS and in the children and adolescents, to study physical activity, HRQoL and life satisfaction.

Illustration av normalt hjärta med aortaklaffen inramad. Från sammanfattningen sid 5 i avhandlingen.
Illustration of normal heart with aortic valve framed. From the summary page 5 in the thesis. (BruceBlaus CC BY-SA 4.0,


Results and conclusions: Mortality after treatment for VAS in neonates and children was low. Transplant-free survival was 96% in the paediatric cohort (n=113), 91% in neonates with critical VAS (n=65) and 98% in neonates with non-critical VAS (n=42) with median follow-up between 11 and 14 years. Reinterventions were common and performed in 38% of the paediatric patients, 58% of neonates with critical VAS and 33% of neonates with non-critical VAS (p=0.008). Both patients and controls fulfilled the WHO recommendations for physical activity to a high degree. Accelerometry revealed a different physical activity pattern in patients compared to controls. Patients rated their HRQoL and life satisfaction as similar to healthy controls. An unexpected finding was a negative association between high-intensity physical activity and psychological well-being and life satisfaction in adolescent patients.



Supervisor: Jan Sunnegårdh
Co-Supervisor: Daniel Arvidsson och Sandra Buratti
Opponent: Daniël De Wolf, Ghent University, Gent, Belgium
Examining Committee: Anders Elfvin, Malin Berghammar och Gudrun Björkhem