Fire officers by a burning car.

Criminology and the Sociology of Law

Research group
Active research
Project period
2000 - ongoing
Project owner
Institutionen för Sociologi och arbetsvetenskap

Short description

Researchers in this group study crime and punishment in a broad sense. They are interested in both victims and offenders, police activities and other control functions in society, such as market regulations or crime prevention work in municipalities and civil society. Another area concerns how new legislation is established and gains influence in society.

The research within the group covers topics such as the private security industry, digital evidence, judicial sensitivity, economic crime, sexual offences and sexual offence legislation, police reform, political violence, threats and hatred in the workplace, volunteering, CCTV, and countering violent extremism. Regardless of the topic studied, the group is united by an interest in how crime problems are affected by conditions in contemporary society.

Research Projects 


Christel Backman: background checks, CCTV, body worn cameras, surveillance
Micael Björk: policing, police organisation and management, organised crime
Oskar Björkenfeldt
Oskar Engdahl
Henriette Frees Esholt: Islamist radicalisation and terrorism, women and children in terrorism, qualitative methods, propaganda and disinformation, honour-based violence
Måns Lundstedt
Bertil Rolandsson: police reforms, professional practices, digitalisation/AI
Marie Sundström: discourse, sociology of law and feminism
Anton Törnberg: digital criminology, online/web-based radicalisation, social media, far-right violence
Sara Uhnoo
Mattias Wahlström: protest policing, political violence, preventing violent extremism
Åsa Wettergren: professional emotions in the legal system, legal decision-making and emotions, core legal values