Short description
The Digi-STEPSTONES study aims to develop and test a person-centered and digital transition program to empower young people with long-term medical conditions to become active partners in their health and care in the transition to adulthood and adult healthcare, the digital version is based on the previously developed transfer program. Currently, three studies are planned within the framework of Digi-Stepstones.
Work Plan:
Young people with asthma/allergies and those who have undergone organ transplants are planned to be included in the study to evaluate the digital version of the transition programme (Digi-STEPSTONES) compared to usual care.
The results from Digi-STEPSTONES will be compared with data from previously conducted projects (1) STEPSTONES-congenital heart defects and (2) STEPSTONES-diabetes.
We also plan further studies aimed at adapting the Digi-STEPSTONES programme for young people who also have cognitive impairments, and therefore qualitative studies will also be conducted with young people with various cognitive impairments and their parents.
The study will provide scientific support for whether the transition programme in digital form is effective and feasible. Young people with various chronic conditions will be included, which gives a higher generalisability of the study results than a disease-specific approach. This project will also evaluate how transfer programmes can be made more inclusive and adapted to individuals with cognitive variations.
Collaborators in the Project The project is being conducted in collaboration with several units within Sahlgrenska University Hospital in Gothenburg. The project is in its initial stages and began in autumn 2023.
Principal investigators: Ewa-Lena Bratt and Carina Sparud Lundin
Project Coordinator: Malin Espelund
Researchers from the research group: Mariela Acuna Mora, Sandra Sakogby, Markus Saarijärvi
External researchers: Emma Goksör Allergy, Lung and Cystic Fibrosis Clinic, Queen Silvia’s Children’s Hospital, Annette Lennerling Transplantation Centre, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Moa Flink, Anna-Carin Gullander Gastrointestinal - liver clinic Queen Silvia’s Children’s Hospital.