Mätstation vid Tångudden

Gothenburg Air and Climate Network (GAC)

Research group
Active research
Project period
2004 - 2023
Project owner
Gothenburg Centre for Environment and Sustainability (2004-2016), Göteborgs Centre for Sustainable Development (2016-2023)

Short description

The Gothenburg Air and Climate Network (GAC) is a network for activities in atmospheric and climate science in the Gothenburg region. The main objectives of GAC are to promote, coordinate and strengthen the existing atmospheric and climate research in western Sweden and to contribute to solving problems related to air quality, climate change and other environmental issues.


  • To serve as a platform for scientists, PhD students and stakeholders interested in air and climate issues.
  • To organize seminars, workshops and conferences
  • To encourage collaborations between the GAC members and initiate new projects.
  • To collaborate with other sustainability-oriented networks.
  • To promote and support PhD students and early career scientists in atmospheric and climate science.


Seen from a broad environmental perspective, Gothenburg with its many strong research groups and individuals as well as research institutes and other partners is a unique and internationally strong research hub. The Gothenburg Air and Climate network began in 2004 as the Gothenburg Atmospheric Science Centre to coordinate and strengthen resources and activities in the region. Between 2018-2023, GAC was organized as a network within the Gothenburg Centre for Sustainable Development.

Atmospheric and climate science are trans-disciplinary in character and cover a broad range of environmental, health, social, economic and cultural aspects. Examples of areas of interest are climate change, depletion of the ozone layer, air quality and health and environmental effects caused by air pollutants. To reach a sustainable development the need to continue both basic and applied research is very large.


The GAC network consists mainly of researchers from Chalmers University of technology and the University of Gothenburg interested in a wide range of topics such as:

  • atmospheric radiation
  • gases and aerosols
  • natural and man-made emissions and its uptake
  • air quality and health
  • climate change
  • human behaviour

Thus, our researchers come from a wide range of departments such as Biolocial and Environmental Sciences, Chemistry, Physics, Technology Management and Economics, Earth Sciences, Architecture and Civil Engineering, Occupational and environmental medicine and Public Health and Community Medicine.

Find researchers in the research network for sustainable development on WEXSUS website

Furthermore the GAC network engages several researchers from the Swedish Environmental Research Institute IVL. In the board we have officials from Chalmers, GU, IVL, the County Administrative Board Västra Götaland and the Environmental Administration at the City of Gothenburg.

Instruments for atmospheric research

Researchers within GAC use a wide range of instruments for atmospheric measurements that are utilized at various field stations both nationally and internationally. This includes, among others:

A list of the various instruments being used is available. Contact Johan Mellqvist if you want more information.

Completed projects

Master courses and PhD programmes