Good life in Angered: Facilitating ideas, actions and participation to promote health and wellbeing
Short description
In Angered, where the project is carried out, health is generally poorer than in other parts of the city of Gothenburg. Here, many different languages and cultures meet, which can make promotion of health more difficult. Nevertheless, there are good opportunities for health promotion as there are several established organizations and dedicated networks that work for participation and health equity.
Full description, in Swedish, is found on our Swedish website.
This project will generate knowledge of how residents can be involved in shaping viable health promotion actions. Focus is on overall health, although we are particularly interested in aspects related to food habits. We will use and further develop methods stimulating participation, reflection and action in an area where many people have low income and short education and where there is a large proportion of newly arrived refugees and immigrants.
The purpose is to promote well-being, health and empowerment by using community-based participatory research to:
- explore what people who live and/or work in Angered believe are the most important factors for well-being, health and empowerment, and what proposals they have for change,
- investigate how their health-promoting suggestions, initiatives and actions can be supported by the researchers together with public, private and/or non-profit actors, and
- generate strategies and operations to stimulate community empowerment.
The researchers acts as facilitators for groups with common interests to come together, discuss, develop proposals and take initiatives that can lead to good life and health. This will be studied through observations, group interviews and the participants' own documentation. The results will show the participants' views on the current situation, what proposals they have, and how health and wellbeing can be promoted. The project will also find out how different stakeholders can contribute in promoting participation, health and control over life.
- Magnusson, M., Vaughn, L. M., Wretlind, K., Forslund, H. B., & Berg, C. (2022). Facilitating health promoting ideas and actions: participatory research in an underserved Swedish residential area. BMC Public Health, 22(1), 155. doi:10.1186/s12889-021-12431-y
- Mulkerrins, Isabelle, Gripeteg, Lena, & Berg, Christina. (2022). Exploration of a Swedish community-based family-oriented setting for promoting healthy food habits: professionals’ experiences. Health Promotion International. doi: 10.1093/heapro/daac030