The picture shows three people playing boules.
Photo: Rutger Blom, Flicker

Health Psychology

Research group
Active research
Project owner
Department of Psychology

Short description

Health issues are widely debated in today´s society. Alcohol and tobacco use, physical activity, health and work, diets, sexuality and stress are subjects being discussed extensively in both the scientific society as well as in popular culture. The Department of Psychology hosts a group of researchers working with health psychological research and teaches health psychology. A starting point on health psychology is the bio-psycho-social perspective where health can be understood as a result of physical, psychological and social factors.

Research projects

Highways to health: Interactions between physical and cognitive health functions over the life course
To investigate how physical function (e.g. fitness) and health behaviors in middle age and cognitive function early in life interact and are related to disease and health outcomes over the life course. The study is based on merged population databases where the same individuals can be followed over their life course.
Principal investigator: Magnus Lindwall

Act to Prevent: Fitness and physical activity in the prevention of cancer from a life course perspective
To study the importance of changes in fitness and physical activity during the life course for the prevention of different types of cancer in men and women of different ages from the Swedish working population. The project is located at the Swedish School of Sports and Health Sciences  (GIH), Stockholm.
Principal investigator: Elin Ekblom-Bak (GIH)
Contact person at The University of Gothenburg: Magnus Lindwall

WORK TOGETHER: Using a systems approach to update an occupational health service and reduce the health gap
To improve the inclusion and effectiveness of an existing and nationally implemented occupational health service program with the aim of reducing health inequalities by focusing on high-risk groups who need the program the most. Based on a long-term research program that consists of three connected parts and five projects. The program is located at the Swedish School of Sports and Health Sciences (GIH), Stockholm
Principal investigator: Elin Ekblom-Bak (GIH)
Contact person at The University of Gothenburg: Magnus Lindwall

Impact of COVID-19 on mental health, well-being, and stress in the Swedish general population. 

Aim: Examine mental health, well-being, and stress in the general Swedish population before, during, and after COVID-19. Data is analyzed in relation to Swedish citizens’ socioeconomic- and sociodemographic status.
Principal investigator: Ann-Sophie Lindqvist Bagge

Health-related quality of life in patients with malignant melanoma.

Aim: Examine (health-related) quality of life and subjective health in patients with malignant melanoma.
Principal investigator: Ann-Sophie Lindqvist Bagge

Health anxiety - an unrecognized problem in Swedish healthcare? A project on prevalence, individual- and demographic factors, attitudes within healthcare, and healthcare cost.

Aim: The project aims to investigate the prevalence of HA in the general Swedish population and Swedish healthcare, identify factors associated with HA, and study the effect of HA on healthcare utilization and mortality. A further aim is to identify barriers preventing people with HA from getting a correct diagnosis and treatment when in contact with the Swedish healthcare system.
Principal investigator: Ann-Sophie Lindqvist Bagge

Salutogenic factors for positive body image. 

Aim: To examine factors that promote positive body image development. The project is based on interviews with individuals who have overcome negative body image or have had a stabile positive body image over time.
Principal investigator: Kristina Holmqvist Gattario


Full professors

Magnus Lindwall
the psychology of exercise and physical activity

Associate professors

Ann-Sophie Lindqvist Bagge
the relationship between somatic- and mental health

Kristina Holmqvist Gattario
body image and experiences of bullying and sexual harassment