Cover illustration: A place of personal significance. Photo Linn Weick
Cover illustration: A place of personal significance. Photo Linn Weick

Linn Weick: Women's experiences of undergoing breast reconstruction


The purpose of this thesis is to enhance the understanding of women’s experiences of breast reconstruction, meaning the surgical recreation of a breast. This includes both experiences of severe complications that may arise after surgery and how the assessment of women’s experiences of breast reconstruction can be developed.

Linn Weick, psychologist at the Department of Plastic Surgery at Sahlgrenska University Hospital.
Linn Weick, psychologist at the Department of Plastic Surgery at Sahlgrenska University Hospital and a doctoral student at the Institute of Clinical Sciences.

Dissertation defense: 28 March 2025 (click for details)
Doctoral thesis: Psychological Perspectives on Breast Reconstruction: Patient-Reported Outcomes and Effects of Complications 
Research area: Plastic Surgery
Sahlgrenska AcademyThe Institute of Clinical Sciences

Women who have had to remove one or both breasts due to breast cancer, or because they have a high hereditary risk of developing breast cancer, have the option to undergo breast reconstruction.

"How a woman experiences breast reconstruction is influenced by many factors, including complications. The risk of experiencing complications is between 30–40 percent," says Linn Weick, psychologist at the Department of Plastic Surgery at Sahlgrenska University Hospital and a doctoral student at the Institute of Clinical Sciences.

Having to remove an Implant – one of the most severe complications

The first two studies examined how women are affected by implant loss, which means they had to have their implants removed. The third study was a systematic review of scores that enable interpretation of women's assessments of their well-being and satisfaction with the reconstruction. The final study involved translating and validating an instrument that measures the significance of the body for the individual.

"Having to remove an implant can cause psychological distress and negatively impact multiple areas of life. Women who experienced implant loss reported lower quality of life and satisfaction with their breast reconstruction compared to those who did not have to remove their implants. Many also felt that the information about potential complications was insufficient."

The results highlight the importance of providing psychological support in cases of severe complications and improving the preoperative information.

"The thesis also shows that responses obtained through patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) in breast reconstruction should be interpreted with caution and that further research is necessary. Having access to a reliable tool for measuring body image can help us better understand women's experiences of their bodies, both in research and clinical practice."

The most rewarding and challenging aspects of this doctoral project

"As a psychologist, working and conducting research in somatic healthcare is very exciting. At the same time, it has been a challenge to be a psychologist in a field where a medical perspective is dominant."

Breast reconstruction is primarily performed for psychosocial reasons. Therefore, it is crucial to examine and integrate psychological aspects to improve care for women undergoing breast reconstruction.

"Being able to contribute to this field is incredibly rewarding, and I am grateful that the Department of Plastic Surgery recognizes the need for and is investing in psychological research."

Text: Susanne Lj Westergren