MARICE – Marine Chemical Ecology Group
Short description
Chemical signals mediate some of the most critical interactions in marine communities including mate-finding, detection of prey and avoidance of predators. MARICE aims to increase our understanding of these chemically mediated interactions. It is an interdisciplinary research group that combines expertise in ecology, chemistry, evolution, microbiology, genetics, and hydrodynamics. We use experimental ecology approaches and combine these with state-of-the-art analytics such as the isolation and characterization of metabolites, and exploration of signal propagation in our hydromechanical laboratory.
More about the research
MARICE is a community of scientists at the University of Gothenburg interested in basic and applied research in marine chemical ecology. With this, we form a unique national position in basic marine chemical ecology research and are also one of the internationally leading nodes within this research area.
Besides research, MARICE focuses on different forms of joint activities to increase national and international exchange and collaborations. This includes e.g., arrangement of post graduate courses, workshops and so called “mini-projects” where different constellations of researchers work intensely on a joint project during one week.

Emma Berdan, Department of Marine Sciences – Gothenburg
Personal webpage
E-mail: emma.berdan@gmail.com
Gunnar Cervin, Department of Marine Sciences – Tjärnö
Personal webpage
E-mail: gunnar.cervin@marine.gu.se
Swantje Enge, Department of Marine Sciences – Tjärnö
Personal webpage
E-mail: swantje.enge@marine.gu.se
Ann Larsson, Department of Marine Sciences – Tjärnö
Personal webpage
E-mail: ann.larsson@marine.gu.se
Henrik Pavia, Department of Marine Sciences – Tjärnö
Personal webpage
E-mail: henrik.pavia@marine.gu.se
Erik Selander, Department of Marine Sciences – Gothenburg
Personal webpage
E-mail: erik.selander@marine.gu.se
Gunilla Toth, Department of Marine Sciences – Tjärnö
Personal webpage
E-mail: gunilla.toth@marine.gu.se
Milad Pourdanandeh, Department of Marine Sciences – Gothenburg
Pesonal webpage
E-mail: milad.pourdanandeh@gu.se
Malin Klasson Frisell, Department of Marine Sciences – Gothenburg
E-mail: gusfrimat@student.gu.se
Henrik Möller, Department of Marine Sciences – Gothenburg
E-mail: gusmollhe@student.gu.se
Kinnby, A., White, J. C., Toth, G. B., & Pavia, H. (2021). Ocean acidification decreases grazing pressure but alters morphological structure in a dominant coastal seaweed. PloS one, 16(1).
Arias, A., Selander, E., Saiz, E. et al. (2021). Predator Chemical Cue Effects on the Diel Feeding Behaviour of Marine Protists. Microbial Ecology.
Kinnby, A., Jonsson, P. R., Ortega-Martinez, O., Töpel, M., Pavia, H., Pereyra, R. T., & Johannesson, K. (2020). Combining an Ecological Experiment and a Genome Scan Show Idiosyncratic Responses to Salinity Stress in Local Populations of a Seaweed. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7, 470.
Hasselström, L., Thomas, J. B., Nordström, J., Cervin, G., Nylund, G. M., Pavia, H., & Gröndahl, F. (2020). Socioeconomic prospects of a seaweed bioeconomy in Sweden. Scientific reports, 10 (1), 1-7.
Selander, E., Fredriksson, S. T., & Arneborg, L. (2020). Chemical Signaling in the Turbulent Ocean – Hide and Seek at the Kolmogorov Scale. Fluids, 5(2), 54.
Situated in the heart of Gothenburg, our facilities include an in-house culture collection of marine microalgae including mutant knock-outs of the model organism Skeletonema marinoi. The chemical lab includes a LC-QQQ-MS, a GC-MS, a particle counter, and a flow-cytometer. Gothenburg also offers a cutting-edge filming set-up that can be used for motion analysis of micro- and mesoplankton.
Tjärnö Marine Laboratory
Conveniently located next to the Kosterhavet Marine National Park, the Tjärnö Marine Laboratory is one of Europe’s largest and most modern research stations and part of the Marine Infrastructure at Gothenburg University. The location offers excellent access to a range of marine environments from shallow-water to deep-sea habitats.
Our chemical laboratories are equipped with HPLC, preparative HPLC, LC-QTOF-MS, LC-QQQ-MS, and GC-MS. The hydrodynamic laboratory is equipped with ADV and PIV for flow velocity measurements and LIF for concentration measurement of fluorescent dye. Our modern and functional DNA and RNA labs allow for genomic analyses.