
Knowledge Reproduction and Conditions for Participation

Research project
Active research
Project period
2020 - ongoing
Project owner
Academy of Music and Drama

Short description

Doctoral dissertation in music education by Julia Eckerstein.
Full working title: "Border Control: Conditions for Participation in Music Programmes at Swedish Folk High Schools"

The problem area that the thesis takes as its starting point is the skewed recruitment that exists in artistic programmes. The profile courses in music at Swedish folk high schools, as well as the community school of the arts and higher music education, are characterised by a fairly homogeneous composition of participants in terms of country of birth and parental education. This is formulated as a problem from the perspective of public education and cultural policy.

The aim of the thesis is to generate knowledge about the conditions for participation in music programmes at folk high schools. In order to achieve this goal, data was collected through focus group discussions with music teachers and students in music programmes at nine folk high schools. The data was analysed using critical thematic analysis based on Basil Bernstein's theoretical framework in the sociology of education.

The ongoing dissertation work has been examined in 25% and 50% stage seminars. The 80% stage seminar is scheduled for June 2024.