
Normality, care, rights and power

Research group

Short description

The social science research platform NORM focuses on disability and aging and conducts research on social policy, power structures, categorizations, and professional work related to activities for the elderly and people with disabilities. The research team also examines family life and networks, as well as the participation and living conditions of the elderly and people with disabilities. The platform includes both senior and junior researchers.

Research on Disabilities and Aging

Members of the Normality, care, rights and power (NORM) platform conduct social science research on disabilities and aging. The research focuses on issues such as:

  • Social policy
  • Power structures and categorizations
  • Professional work within services aimed at the elderly and people with disabilities

Additionally, the research addresses various life conditions, family life, and participation for the elderly and people with disabilities, as well as caregiving.

Methods and Perspectives

The research is conducted using various social science theoretical perspectives and both qualitative and quantitative research approaches.

Researchers and Projects

The platform brings together both established researchers in the field and newly graduated researchers and doctoral students, most of whom are from the Department of Social Work at the University of Gothenburg. The researchers strive to conduct research relevant to social work in the field.