Fridays for Future (FFF) demonstrations in Stockholm.
Photo: Joost de Moor

The necessary and the possible: How social movements articulate, convey and negotiate visions of a fossil free and just future

Research project
Active research
Project size
7 416 871
Project period
2019 - 2023
Project owner
Department of Sociology and Work Science


Short description

Social movements have historically been central drivers of societies’ progressive changes, including the advancement of democracy, gender equality, and the welfare state. Today, Swedish society may once again need the creative input of social movements to realize its ambitious climate goal of reaching net zero carbon emissionsby 2045; climate movement groups like Fridays For Future are forcefully claiming that role. At the same, it is not yet clear whether and how the visions of the climate movement will actually have an impact. Our aim is to show how social movements promote visions for a fossil-free welfare society, and move beyond a binary notion of accepting or rejecting these visions by unpacking at each stage of the diffusion process why activists, citizens or politicians end up in favour or against certain visions.