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Violence and mental illness in a life cycle perspective

Research group

Short description

The research platform Violence and mental illness in a life course perspective is built up by two research groups: Gender-related violence (GRV) and Global social development, mental health and human rights in a life course perspective. In the platform, we meet based on an interest in the connection between violence and mental illness in a life cycle perspective and in research that spans both of these areas. We also have a global perspective and are part of both national and international research collaborations.

About the research platform

The Violence and Mental Health across the Lifespan research platform consists of two research groups:

  • Gender-based violence (GBV)
  • Global social development, mental health, and human rights across the lifespan

Research areas

The Global social development research group focuses on social development goals, mental health, and social justice in Sweden and globally. The GBV research group comprises researchers from various disciplines who investigate power, gender, and violence and have a particular focus on gender-based violence. Both research groups participate in national and international research collaborations and share an interest in the relationship between violence and mental health across the lifespan.

The research group "Gender-Related Violence" represents various professions and academic disciplines and consists of both senior and junior researchers with extensive experience in the field. By gender-related violence is meant here various forms of violence that are most often, but not always, perpetrated by men against girls and women, depending on how we are gendered. This often includes a check on the sexuality of girls and women. Violence reflects, recreates and creates oppressive social structures within unequal power structures. With this in mind, KRV examines various aspects of power, gender and violence, and with questions important to the practice of social work.

Global social development, mental health and human rights

The research group "Global social development, mental health and human rights in a life course perspective" is an interdisciplinary research group for research on mental health. The field of research concerns mental health in relation to living conditions at the individual, group and societal level and its relation to care and treatment. The research group's focus spans the entire life course in relation to growing up conditions, the importance of relationships, gender equality, social networks / capital, norms, oppression, exclusion and violence, the importance of institutions and society's areas of responsibility with health promotion, prevention and care.