Exterior of the Department of Social Work at the University of Gothenburg
The picture was taken at Sprängkullsgatan 23 in Gothenburg and shows the Department of Social Work building at the University of Gothenburg, where the research group KRV is based.
Photo: Ninni Carlsson

Gender-related violence (GRV)

Research group

Short description

The research group GRV consists of ten senior and junior researchers who investigate different aspects of power, gender, and violence, with issues relevant to social work practice. We represent various professions and academic disciplines with a common home base. We were formed in 2014 to gather knowledge and develop research in social work in the area of gender-related violence.

The researchers in GRV lead courses and teach at the Department of Social Work, and are responsible for courses such as "Men's violence against women" at an advanced level and "Researching gender-based violence - data and design" at the research level.

Research within the group is conducted in collaboration with several organizations and research centers. Please feel free to contact us if you want to learn more or discuss a possible future collaboration!