University of Gothenburg
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New publications in environmental economics

On this page we list recent year's publications in environmental economics, written by researchers at the environmental economics unit.

Mattias Sundemo, Åsa Löfgren (2025). "Do business and economics studies erode prosocial values?", in Southern Economic Journal.

Azar, C., Johansson, D. J. A., & Sterner, T. (2025). "Should climate policy focus more on methane or carbon dioxide?", in  Resources for the Future. 

Fischer, C., Lindberg, V., Ramakrishnan, A., Steckel, J. C., & Sterner, T. (2025). "Emissions Pricing in Developing Countries" in Encyclopedia of Energy, Natural Resource, and Environmental Economics (2nd ed.). 

Alpizar, F., Carlsson, F., Lanza, G. (2024) "On the perils of environmentally friendly alternatives", Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 102967.

Borghesi, S., Costantini, V., D’Amato, A., Dibattista, I., Koundouri, P., Li, Q., Mazzarano, M., Sterner, T., Tiwari, M. M., Vis, P., & Xepapadeas, A. (2024). "Reforming ESG: A European and Global South Perspective." Environment and Development Economics. 

Ek, C., and M. Söderberg. 2024. Norm-based feedback on household waste: Large-scale field experiments in two Swedish municipalities. Journal of Public Economics 238: 105191.

Mikael Gustavsson, Styrbjörn Käll, Patrik Svedberg, Juan Salvador Inda Díaz, Sverker Molander, Jessica Coria, Thomas Backhaus, Erik Kristiansson (2024), Transformers enable accurate prediction of acute and chronic chemical toxicity in aquatic organisms, in Sciences Advances. 

Taryn M. Garlock, Frank Asche, James L. Anderson, Håkan Eggert, Thomas M. Anderson, Bin Che, Carlos A. Chavez, Jingjie Chu, Nnaemeka Chukwuone, Madan M. Dey et al. Environmental, economic, and social sustainability in aquaculture: the aquaculture performance indicators, in NATURE COMMUNICATIONS.

Wisdom Akpalu, Håkan Eggert, Kwami Adanu (2024), Context, welfare sensitivity, and positional preferences among fisherfolks in a developing country, in Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics. 

Ragnar Arnason, Håkan Eggert, Frank Jensen (2024), Strong user rights in fisheries: An editorial note, in MARINE POLICY. 

Sterner, T. (2024). Carbon pricing reduces emissions: A meta-analysis of 21 carbon-pricing schemes suggests that the strategy reduces greenhouse-gas emissions, in Nature Communications.

M. A. Drupp, M. C. Haensel, E. P. Fenichel, M. Freeman, C. Gollier, B. Groom, G. M. Heal, P. H. Howard, A. Millner, F. C. Moore, F. Nesje, M. F. Quaas, S. Smulders, Thomas Sterner, C. Traeger, F. Venmans (2024), Accounting for the increasing benefits from scarce ecosystems, in SCIENCE

Cardell, L. O., Sterner, T., Ahmed, W., Slættanes, A. K., Svärd, M., & Pollock, R. F. (2024). Modelling the costs of sublingual immunotherapy versus subcutaneous immunotherapy based on clinical appointments and impacts of patient travel in Sweden, in ClinicoEconomics and Outcomes Research. 

Samson Mukanjari, Thomas Sterner, Do markets Trump politics? Fossil and renewable market reactions to major political events, published in Economic Inquiry (2024) 

Lars Olaf Cardell, Thomas Sterner, Waqas Ahmed, Andreas Kallsoy Slættanes, Mikael Svärd, Richard F. Pollock, Modelling the impact of sublingual immunotherapy versus subcutaneous immunotherapy on patient travel time and CO2 emissions in Sweden, published in Scientific Reports (2024)

Thomas Sterner, Jens Ewald, Erik Sterner, Economists and the Climate, published in Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (2024)

Fredrik Carlsson, Claes Ek, Andreas Lange (2024), One bad apple spoils the barrel? Public good provision under threshold uncertainty, in EXPERIMENTAL ECONOMICS. 

Wolfgang Habla, Mitesh Kataria, Peter Martinsson, Kerstin Roeder (2024), Should it stay, or swerve? Trading off lives in dilemma situations involving autonomous cars, in HEALTH ECONOMICS. 

Yinan Yu, Samuel Scheidegger, Jasmine Elliott, Åsa Löfgren (2024), climateBUG (sic) : A data-driven framework for analyzing bank reporting through a climate lens, in Expert Systems with Applications.

Åsa Löfgren, Katarina Nordblom (2024), Reconciling sustainability preferences and behavior - The case of mutual fund investments, in JOURNAL OF BEHAVIORAL AND EXPERIMENTAL FINANCE.

Niklas Harring, Michael Ndwiga, Anna Nordén, Daniel Slunge (2024), Public acceptability of policy instruments for reducing fossil fuel consumption in East Africa, in Climate Policy.