University of Gothenburg
Environmental economics deals with the economic aspects of global, national and local environmental problems

More specifically, this includes identifying the causes behind environmental problems which are often related to dilemmas of joint action in the face of market failures. We estimate the costs and benefits of policies dealing with areas as air pollution, water quality, toxic substances, solid waste, natural resources and global warming, and how such policies interact with human behavior.

The Environmental Economics Group

Members of the Environmental Economics Group at the Department of Economics conduct theoretical and empirical research on three main areas. Firstly, the reasons for market and policy failure at the micro and macro levels. Secondly, the selection and design of policy instruments, both nationally (in both rich and poor countries) and globally, to deal with environmental issues. Thirdly, much of our research focuses on experimental and valuation studies and their behavioral foundations.

Recent publications (in selection)

Christian Azar, Jorge García Martín, Daniel Johansson, Thomas SternerThe Social Cost of Methane, published in Climatic Change (2023) 

 P. J. Ferraro, T. L. Cherry, J. F. Shogren, C. A. Vossler, T. N. Cason, H. B. Flint, J. P. Hochard, Olof Johansson-Stenman, P. Martinsson, J. J. Murphy et al, "Create a culture of experiments in environmental programs", published in Science (2023)


Lecture: The time to act is now

Åsa Löfgren and Thomas Sterner, two of the School’s climate change experts, discuss in a public lecture the recent IPCC report on mitigation of climate change and its implications for societal actions broadly as well as for our own education and research.

Navigate to video: The time to act is now – But how can we bridge the gap between pledges and action?
Video (42:27)
The time to act is now – But how can we bridge the gap between pledges and action?

PhD Program in Environmental Economics

Since 2007 the Environmental Economics Unit runs a program for a PhD in Environmental Science with a focus on economics. The thesis work and studies have been similar to the PhD theses in economics in very broad terms. Note however that since the program no longer receive funding from Sida, admissions are very limited.

Multi-disciplinary research collaborations

Our researchers work in several major multi-disciplinary research programs, on climate change, biodiversity (BECC), zero-carbon policy (Mistra Carbon Exit), antibiotic resistance (CARe) and chemical risk assessment (FRAM).

The Environment for Development Initiative (EfD) is a capacity building programme established in 2007 by parts of the Environmental Economics Group. It is a network of a dozen centers for cross-country research collaborations, research-policy interaction and academic training. The EfD Secretariat and administrative functions are hosted by the Swedish center