University of Gothenburg

Find an expert in Human Geography

Our researchers in Human Geography answers questions from journalists and others, within their areas of expertise.

Nature-Society Relations in a Landscape Perspective

Oskar Abrahamsson, PhD student
August Ambjörnson, PhD student
Oskar Jacobsson, Post-doctor
Marie Stenseke, Professor

Mobility, Communication and Transport Geography

Louise Brundin, PhD student
Nicolai Ekecrantz, PhD student
Erik Elldér, Associate professor, Senior lecturer
Katarina Haugen, Associate professor, Senior lecturer
Ellen Lagrell, PhD, Researcher
Anders Larsson, Associate professor, Senior lecturer
Jerry Olsson, Associate professor, Senior lecturer
Ana Gil Solá, Associate professor, Associate senior lecturer
Eva Thulin, Professor
Bertil Vilhelmson, Professor

Development Geography

Robin Biddulph, Associate professor, Senior lecturer
Margareta Espling, Senior lecturer

Jonas Lindberg, Associate professor, Senior lecturer
Ioanna Petridou, PhD student
Kanchana N Ruwanpura, Professor